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File Number: 16-226 <br />1. Plaza Pedestrian Walkways (properties #1-2) <br />2. Plaza Public Parking Lots (properties #3-7) <br />3. Corner Parcel at West Juana Ave. & Hays St. (property #8) <br />4. Burrell Field Sign - Public Park (property #9) <br />5. 1193 Warren Ave. - Public Park & “Davis West” sign site (property #10) <br />6. San Leandro Creek Walk - (property #11) <br />7. 14901 East 14th St. - Triangle Property (property #12) <br />8. 2512 Davis St. - Eden Road extension (property #13) <br />State Controller Allowed Housing Asset Transfers: <br />When the City elected to serve as Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency in 2012, <br />it also took on the function of Housing Successor. Consistent with State law, the Agency <br />submitted a Housing Asset Transfer Report on July 31, 2012 detailing all assets that would be <br />transferred to the Housing Successor as part of this transition. That report was approved by <br />the DOF on August 31, 2012 and included one real estate asset. <br />The property at 13664 East 14th was purchased by the former Redevelopment Agency and <br />converted into the Casa Verde affordable housing development. The project now provides 67 <br />units that will remain affordable housing for the long term. The property will be transferred to <br />the City, in its capacity as the Housing Successor, at no cost. <br />Next Steps <br />With the LRPMP approved, Staff is working expeditiously to implement the plan by disposing <br />of assets. Per Senate Bill 107, HSC section 34191.5(f), with the LRPMP is approved the <br />Successor Agency will not need to seek additional State approvals for its implementation. <br />The proposed Resolutions authorize the Executive Director of the Successor Agency and the <br />City Manager to take all actions necessary to implement the conveyance of these properties. <br />These will be relatively straightforward transactions including the execution of quitclaim deeds, <br />certificates of acceptance, and all other necessary instruments, as applicable. <br />Previous Actions <br />·On November 2, 2015, the Successor Agency approved the Long Range Property <br />Management Plan, establishing a plan for transferring or selling the real property assets <br />that were owned by the Redevelopment Agency. <br />Legal Analysis <br />The resolutions, quitclaim deeds and certificates of acceptance have been reviewed and <br />approved as to form by the City Attorney’s Office. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />The fourteen properties that will be transferred to the City of San Leandro or the City in its <br />capacity as Housing Successor will be at no cost. These properties generally have no value <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 5/10/2016