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Agmt 2016 California State Division of Boating and Waterways
City Clerk
City Council
Agmt 2016 California State Division of Boating and Waterways
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9/18/2015 <br />Scope of Work for Surrendered and Abandoned Vessel Exchange (SAVE) Fiscal Year 2015/2016 <br />Agency: City of San Leandro Marina <br />Application: Surrendered and Abandoned Vessel Exchange (SAVE) Fiscal Year 2015/2016 <br />San Leandro is on the State website for VTIP grant. <br />Future: Add VTIP program contact/instruction to City of San Leandro general website. <br />5. Application Questionnaire <br />1 • Does your agency have a local marine law enforcement detail tasked with addressing fs- Yes No <br />abandoned vessels in your jurisdiction? (Please select Yes or No) <br />If yes, explain in detail. If no, elaborate on your US Coast Guard is alerted if the vessel is in danger of sinking or <br />agency's efforts to create a program or if you is releasing fuel or oil. If the vessel damages city property or <br />utilize enforcement services from another another owners property the City of San Leandro Police <br />agency and how. Department is called and in some cases the Coast Guard too. <br />Alameda County Sheriff may also be involved if out in the water. <br />2. Does your agency have a submerged navigational hazard abatement plan (SNHAP)? {. Yes No <br />This may include: 1) An established internal process outlining procedures to prevent, <br />mitigate and process abandoned vessels; 2) Bylaws, regulations, or ordinances that help <br />prevent or mitigate abandoned vessels. (Please select Yes or No) <br />If Yes, provide plan documentation on the next page (Submerged Navigational Hazard Abatement Plan (SNHAP) <br />documentation). <br />If No, explain your agency's efforts to create a <br />SNHAP and anticipated date of effect. <br />3. At -risk vessels: Explain if/how your agency <br />identifies at -risk vessels (what indicators do <br />you look for). Do you identify and document <br />existing owners/occupants, and do you work <br />with owners to prevent vessels from being <br />abandoned? <br />Staff conducts daily visual check for bilge pumps running more <br />than normal, boat falling below the water line, and other physical <br />issues. Marina office has pumps available if needed and will <br />install immediately if a vessel is taking on water and can enter <br />without owners consent per the SLMC and Rules and <br />Regulations. Staff monitors accounts that are in arrears more than <br />60+ days. Staff will talk directly with boat owners to mitigate <br />problems. Accounts are monitored monthly via an aging report. <br />Letters are send at 60, 90, and 90+ days up to lien processing <br />stating status and consequences. In a few cases agreements <br />may be arranged to bring past due accounts current. Boat <br />owners are asked if they want to sell the boat and that they may <br />place a poster on the bulletin board in the marina office. If the <br />boat is not sellable, and city has funds in the VTIP grant, the boat <br />owner is offered to turn in the vessel under the VTIP grant <br />program. <br />4• Does your agency regularly check vessels in your AOR for current registrations? (Please r Yes r- No <br />select Yes or No) <br />If Yes, What is your process? All new accounts are required to submit current registration at <br />time of boat entering the marina. Monitoring is via an Excel <br />spread sheet maintained by Administrative Assistant. Staff sends <br />quarterly letters to accounts that have upcoming registration due <br />or expired registration. Same procedure for insurance <br />documents. <br />5. List by name and size the bodies of water or waterways in your agency's area of responsibility. If you wish to add <br />maps or photos, please click on the BLUE arrow below to upload. <br />Name <br />Size <br />Attachment <br />San Leandro Marina, east side of San Francisco Bay <br />1450 acres <br />14120_0_city <br />Page: 7 of 10 <br />
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