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9/18/2015 <br />Certification for Surrendered and Abandoned Vessel Exchange (SAVE) Fiscal Year 2015/2016 <br />Agency: City of San Leandro Marina <br />Application: Surrendered and Abandoned Vessel Exchange (SAVE) Fiscal Year 2015/2016 <br />Certification <br />FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Version # APP # 702324 <br />Applicant Certification <br />Per Harbors and Navigation Code 525 (C) A grant awarded by the department pursuant to subparagraph (A) <br />shall be matched by a 10% contribution from the local agency receiving the grant." This matching fund may be <br />rendered in cash, or through in-kind contributions which must be verified, and are at the discretion of DBW. These <br />contributions may include (but are not limited to) the following: administrative costs, personnel hours, removal, <br />and/or storage. <br />Grant monies WILL NOT be reimbursed by DBW unless 10% of each reimbursement claim is met. <br />a. Under penalty of perjury, I certify that I have examined this application and the document(s), proposal(s), <br />and statement(s) submitted in conjunction herewith, and that to the best of my information and belief, the <br />information contained herein is true, accurate, correct, and complete. <br />b. P_ I certify that I am the person authorized to submit this application on behalf of the applicant. <br />Prepared by: Name: Delmarie Snodgrass Date: 07/30/2015 <br />Reviewed by: Name: Delmarie Snodgrass Date: 07/30/2015 <br />Approving Name: Delmarie Snodgrass Date: 07/30/2015 <br />Officer: <br />Page: 10 of 10 <br />