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contract. The policy must include: <br />"The State of California, its officers, agents, employees and servants as <br />additional insureds, but only with respect to work performed under the <br />contract." <br />This endorsement must be supplied under form acceptable to the Office of <br />Risk and Insurance Management. <br />Coverage shall be provided for both work performed on site and during <br />transportation as well as proper disposal of hazardous materials. Proof of <br />Pollution during transportation shall be provided on an MCS -90 form or <br />equivalent. <br />3. Self -Insurance <br />If the Grantee is self-insured for a portion or all of its insurance, the Grantee shall <br />provide evidence of self-insurance. Review of financial information including a letter of <br />credit may be required. The Division reserves the right to request financial information. <br />23. TERMINATION <br />a. DBW may terminate this Agreement for any reason upon thirty (30) days written notice <br />to Grantee. <br />b. If the Grantee fails to keep the required insurance in effect at all times during the term <br />of this agreement, DBW may, in addition to other remedies it may have, terminate this <br />agreement upon two days written notice. <br />C. DBW may, by two-day written notice to Grantee and without any prejudice to its other <br />remedies, terminate this agreement because of failure of Grantee to fulfill any of the <br />requirements of this agreement. <br />d. Upon receipt of any notice terminating this Agreement, Grantee shall immediately <br />discontinue all removal and disposal activities affected, unless the notice directs <br />otherwise. In such event, DBW shall pay Grantee only for removal and disposal <br />activities completed prior to the termination date. <br />e. Upon termination of this agreement, Grantee shall promptly return all advanced funds. <br />At DBW's sole discretion, DBW may offer an opportunity to cure any breach prior to <br />terminating for default. <br />24. ASSIGNMENT <br />This Agreement is not assignable by the Grantee, either in whole or in part, without the <br />consent of the State in the form of a formal written amendment. <br />25. MATCHING REQUIREMENT <br />a. Section 525(C) of the Harbors and Navigation Code states, "A grant awarded by the <br />department pursuant to subparagraph (A) shall be matched by a 10 -percent <br />contribution from the local agency receiving the grant." <br />b. The 10 -percent contribution is in addition to funds awarded in the grant. <br />C. The burden of proof in complying with the 10 -percent contribution requirement is the <br />responsibility of the grantee. Grant funds will not be disbursed until the grantee has <br />provided DBW with acceptable documentation that it complied with the 10 -percent <br />contribution requirement for each disbursement. <br />Date: 09/02/2015 Contract # C15S0614, City of San Leandro Marina, Surrendered and Abandoned Vessel Page: 11 of 24 <br />Exchange (SAVE) Fiscal Year 2015/2016 <br />