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Agmt 2016 California State Division of Boating and Waterways
City Clerk
City Council
Agmt 2016 California State Division of Boating and Waterways
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9/18/2015 <br />Scope of Work for Surrendered and Abandoned Vessel Exchange (SAVE) Fiscal Year 2015/2016 <br />Agency: City of San Leandro Marina <br />Application: Surrendered and Abandoned Vessel Exchange (SAVE) Fiscal Year 2015/2016 <br />remaining money is sent to DMV. If a sale occurs the purchaser must fill out the promissory Note (ex 8) with a 30% of <br />the purchase price deposit. The balance due in 10 days after the sale. The previous owner has a redemption period of <br />10 days after the sale to redeem the vessel by paying all amounts owed. After the 10 day redemption period the new <br />owner has 5 days to remove the vessel from the Marina unless the new owner can meet the San Leandro Berther <br />requirements. <br />Storage areas <br />Vessels that are located within the San Leandro Marina will be moved to a designated dock for liened vessels. The boats <br />will be locked and outboard motors removed and put in storage. If vessel is sold the motor will go to the new owner. <br />Vessels that are on a trailer will be stored in the designated yard until all documents are received and arrangegments <br />have been made for destruction. <br />Vessel Destruction <br />After the auction, the boats that are remaining are property of the San Leandro Marina and will be kept for 10 days. After <br />the 10 day period the boat will be scheduled to be destroyed. The first step is to get a quote from a reliable dive and <br />salvage service. The quote shall include disposal of any hazardous waste. The boat will be towed to the public launch <br />ramp and placed on a trailer for removal. Marina staff is responsible to take photos of vessel and submit with documents <br />for reimbursement. It is the City's responsibility for the disposal of the vessel. When the contractor has been chosen a <br />date to tow the vessel will be set, the Marina staff makes all the arrangements with Waste Management on Davis St for <br />disposal or other designated landfill (unless it is included in the quote). The transfer station must supply a weight sheet <br />and a certificate of destruction. If the boat is towed to another site, Marina staff or contractor will go to that site and take <br />pictures of disposal. <br />After the disposal is complete the following forms need to be completed by the Marina Staff or contractor and San Leandro <br />will be sent a copy. <br />1. A letter to DMV with copies of all paper relating to the destruction of each vessel (ex 10). <br />2. Complete certificate of ownership (Ex 12) with the original postage receipts (Ex 13) and send to DMV. <br />3. (san Leandro staff) Fill out pink sheet with the charges related to the disposal, note to close the account) and send to <br />collection. (Ex 11) The Admin Assistant will process closing with Finance and will note in memo portion to send to <br />collections. Finance contracts out all collection proceedings. <br />This vessel is property of either the Marina or successful bidder 10 days after the auction. The owner has up to and <br />including the 10 days to satisfy the lien or remove all personal property. Anything related to boating stays with the vessel. <br />If the vessel is sold, the name of the buyer goes on the certification lien sale form, Form Boat 178, (Ex 14) and the Marina <br />keeps a copy as a release of liability. <br />Start procedure for Reimbursement request form for state grant funds. <br />4. Agency prevention efforts of abandoned vessels <br />Municipal code SLMC 4-19-120 Rules and Regulations #18 Off -shore mooring - Off -shore mooring is prohibited within the <br />jurisdiction of the San Leandro City limits based on the preservation of public health and safety and orderliness at the <br />Marina and Shoreline. San Leandro city limits extend 2000 feet offshore. <br />VTIP program is effective. Education to boat owners that may be behind in rent or no longer have interest in their vessel. <br />Page: 6 of 10 <br />
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