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6A CM Report 2016 0606
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Packet 2016 0606
6A CM Report 2016 0606
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6/2/2016 10:20:58 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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File Number: 16-288 <br />Analysis <br />Although no plans exist in the City’s database, it is possible that Farrelly Pool was resurfaced <br />(from plaster to fiberglass) approximately 20-25 years ago. At that time, the pool was also <br />modified from a gutter-type pool to its current skimmer configuration. <br />The pool’s fiberglass surface is now failing, which necessitates the temporary closure of the <br />facility (it normally opens mid-June for an approximately 9-week season, weather permitting). <br />In the process of obtaining work estimates for the resurfacing, the City conferred with <br />Alameda County Health over what additional improvements would be triggered due to the <br />necessary resurfacing construction. The lack of as-builts and building plans for the previously <br />constructed skimmer work is an issue; the skimmer infrastructure is primarily below grade and <br />given that some of the pool coping (deck surface) is pushing up in areas, any work on the <br />pool’s surface would likely require some demolition and a look into the skimmer system for <br />possible work to bring it up to current Building Code standards. Alameda County Health <br />Department staff also indicated that the “wall,” which runs the length of the pool and <br />separates the shallow area from the deep end, would need to be removed. This feature, <br />which is original to the pool’s construction, does not meet current Building Code requirements. <br />It is also a potential safety hazard. <br />Prior to County Health’s determination for removal of the wall, staff obtained a preliminary <br />work estimate of $125,000 to resurface the pool from fiberglass back to plaster. Based on the <br />additional work that would be required by County Health, staff requested a revised work <br />estimate. The pool contractor providing the estimate indicated that the work needed to convert <br />the pool to meet current Building Code/County Health requirements would leave little of the <br />existing shell in place. The main floor would need to be entirely removed, along with several <br />sections of the perimeter walls at the existing expansion joints. County Health recommends <br />that it is in the City’s best interests to not renovate the existing pool, and instead to engage a <br />commercial pool-specific architectural firm to design a new pool for construction. <br />Programming Impacts <br />The Recreation & Human Services Department made arrangements with the District to have <br />some swim lessons made available at the new San Leandro High School pool (utilizing City <br />lifeguard staff). Lesson spacing also currently remains available at both the Boys & Girls Club <br />and San Leandro Family Aquatic Center pools. <br />Last season, Farrelly Pool accommodated approximately 8,000 visits, encompassing swim <br />lessons, open swim and party rentals. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />With the original renovation estimate of $125,000 to resurface the pool, the San Leandro <br />Unified School District agreed to provide up to $75,000 of the costs (assuming a 50:50 split <br />with the City). If this work had proceeded as originally planned, City staff was also in the <br />process of programming an additional CIP request for work to be done off-season, including <br />installation of a new boiler, and installation of an ADA pool lift. One-time construction costs <br />were estimated at approximately $214,000. In addition to these one-time costs, new on-going <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 6/1/2016
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