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File Number: 16-225 <br />City staff present: Recreation & Human Services Manager Breyana Brandt, Senior Traffic <br />Engineer Reh-Lin Chen, Engineering & Transportation Director Keith Cooke, Administrative <br />Services Manager Kirsten Foley, Business Development Manager Jeff Kay, Library Manager <br />Bill Sherwood, Principal Engineer Michael Stella, City Engineer Nick Thom, City Manager <br />Chris Zapata <br />Public Present: Sarah Burnworth of Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC), Emily <br />Van Wagner of MTC <br />1.13. Announcements <br />None. <br />2. DISCUSSION ITEMS <br />2.A. Discussion Regarding 1-880 Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) <br />Sara Burnworth, MTC Project Manager for the 1-880 Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) <br />project presented information and the following updates: <br />• Project is underway on the north segment of the corridor; <br />• Currently in the final design phase and staff will answer any questions as the MOU is <br />circulated for approval; <br />• Provided context for implementation of the strategy; and <br />• Presentation is to provide a general overview of the ICM and next steps. <br />1-80 Smart Corridor will go live in June and the 101 Smart Corridor will be soon thereafter. <br />The 1-880 ICM will focus on arterial traffic management. Stakeholders agreed on Coordinated <br />Arterial Incident Management strategy for initial implementation for the northern segment of <br />the project area. The central segment which encompasses all of San Leandro is anticipated <br />to be funded in 2018. Purpose of the project is to manage the traffic that naturally diverts to <br />City streets during a freeway incident and then route diverted motorists back to freeway as <br />soon as possible to minimize impact to City streets. The current project limit is along the 1-880 <br />corridor from 1-980 to Davis Street. MTC is coordinating construction with AC Transit BRT <br />and will initiate a funding agreement with AC Transit to facilitate work needed. <br />MTC will purchase and install Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) equipment. The property <br />and maintenance of equipment will be the responsibility of either Caltrans or the City, <br />depending on equipment's location in right of way. Caltrans will have access to the equipment <br />during emergency scenarios and City will have control remainder of the time. <br />Mayor Cutter: Will San Leandro Boulevard will be used as an alternate route? <br />S. Burnworth: Purpose of both parallel routes depends on the traffic on either arterial <br />(considerations for alternate routes currently are the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project on East <br />14th and truck restrictions in the San Leandro Boulevard tunnel). <br />Mayor Cutter: Asked that the MTC make recommendation to Caltrans to speed up the street <br />City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 61112016 <br />