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Finance Highlights 2016 0503
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Finance Committee
Finance Highlights 2016 0503
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File Number: 16-277 <br />an agenda item for the June 13th Work Session. <br />Deputy City Manager Engelbart stated that there was an item however he has heard that it <br />may be postponed; Mr. Engelbart will verify. <br />Acting Assistant City Manager Kay presented information to break down small and large <br />businesses. This information provides business size by industry category but not whether the <br />business is national or local. <br />Project Specialist Bowman provided an overview of the information provided. . The largest <br />number of San Leandro businesses are small businesses. 91 % of businesses have 25 or <br />less employees, but 40% of employees work for those for businesses. <br />City Attorney Pio Roda stated that State law permits each jurisdiction the right to treat <br />minimum wage independently. <br />City Attorney Pio Roda provided information, received from Jennifer Lin of East Bay Alliance, <br />regarding a proposal to define large businesses as those that have more than 25 employees <br />globally or more than 10 establishments globally. This information was requested at the prior <br />meeting. A memo was provided to the Committee. <br />Councilmember Prola asked Mr. Pio Roda about the City of Berkeley's proposed minimum <br />wage and whether it passed or not. Mr. Pio Roda will follow up and provide that information to <br />the Committee. <br />City Manager Zapata recommended placing an ad in the San Leandro times, issuing a Press <br />Release and posting on Next Door. <br />2.113. Public Opinion Survey for November Revenue Measures (Godbe Research) <br />City Manager Zapata reminded the Committee of the prior month's meeting on increasing <br />revenue to fund enhanced services and the Committee's direction to move forward with a <br />public opinion survey. The cost of the survey is within the City Manager's authorization and <br />therefore Godbe Research has been hired to begin the process. <br />Deputy City Manager Engelbart stated that a kick-off meeting with Godbe has taken place and <br />Godbe is in the process of finalizing the survey questionnaire. The questionnaire is based on <br />the Committee's comments and direction. The survey will include approximately 500 citizens <br />and will ensure that it covers all demographics. Godbe will contact participants via emails and <br />phone calls. The process will be about 6 weeks. Mr. Engelbart stated that once the questions <br />are provided, he will provide an in-depth email to the Committee within the following week. <br />There will be a Spanish and Chinese version of the survey as well. <br />Mr. Engelbart stated there are four categories for the survey: Cannabis Business Tax, <br />modifications to the Transient Occupancy Tax and modifications to the business tax. <br />According to City Manager Zapata, the survey will provide useful data on how the citizens feel <br />about the measures and how they might vote. <br />City of San Leandro Page 3 Printed on 611/2016 <br />
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