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8H Consent 2016 0606
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Packet 2016 0606
8H Consent 2016 0606
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6/2/2016 10:21:54 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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attire. Ballew further commented that he thinks the uniform is critical for credibility in Emergency <br />Preparedness and getting the public’s attention. He feels the City Manager should take that into <br />consideration. <br /> <br />M | S | P (Badger/Abelee) 5-0 to approve as amended. <br /> <br />Secretary Hung noted that the IT Business Specialist, as noted on the Agenda, has been changed to IT <br />Project Specialist. Information Services Manager Anton Batalla provided the background and answered <br />questions regarding this new position. Manager Batalla said that currently the position of Information <br />Services Specialist is being updated to reflect a skillset that is more suited to current technologies and the IT <br />field. Chair Heystek asked him to point out some of the differences in the positions. Manager Batalla noted <br />that the IS Specialist is still a current classification that is based on hardware and computing, but the new IT <br />Project Specialist classification will focus on projects, delivery of projects, analysis and working with other <br />departments. This will help the department be more effective and add a project management piece. <br />Member Browne asked what kind of projects. Manager Batalla noted that one of the projects is for the <br />Public Works Department to implement an IT system to field public and staff requests, for things like <br />potholes and lighting outages. The current system does not have the ability to track and manage the <br />requests. The IT Project Specialist would be tasked with identifying the need, working with vendors, <br />implementing the change, deploying the system, testing it, training staff and providing ongoing support. <br /> <br />Member Badger said it sounds like the position will work independently, but asked if they will report to the <br />IS Manager. Manager Batalla confirmed the position will receive direction from the IS Manager. Vice <br />Chair Ballew asked if IT employees are allowed to work from home or remotely. Secretary Hung said no, <br />the City does not have a telecommuting policy, so IT staff work onsite. Manager Batalla added further, that <br />when emergencies arise, he makes contact with IT employees and if necessary authorizes overtime. Chair <br />Heystek asked if the old position remain unfilled. Manager Batalla said no additional staff would be added. <br />Chair Heystek asked about cybersecurity and how IT handles that. Member Batalla indicated that could be <br />a future project but security is currently managed at the IS Analyst level now. <br /> <br />In the Job Description, Member Browne questioned “Principals of change, problem, asset management and <br />leading organizational change.” Manager Batalla indicated that this is a methodology of change, asset and <br />incident management and organizational change. This is the front line for implementing new systems. <br />Member Brown also questioned, “exercise excellent judgment in situations with ambiguity and <br />uncertainty”. Manager Batalla said this is where circumstances are not clearly defined. The Board agreed <br />to grammatical clarifications to this item for clarity. For the prior question, Batalla said he would be fine <br />with changing the language to read knowledge of “principals of organizational change management.” <br /> <br />M | S | P (Browne/Ballew) 5-0 to approve as amended. <br /> <br />VII. HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER’S REPORT: Secretary Hung provided an overview of the <br />recruitment activities completed and/or in progress. She also noted that the HR Department is involved <br />in labor negotiations with all our bargaining groups and provided a recap of activities from 2015. <br /> <br />While reviewing the Informational Listing, Vice Chair Ballew congratulated Yana Taran on her <br />promotion to Sr. Human Resources Analyst. He also asked what it means when someone is released <br />from probation. Secretary Hung noted that means they have been release before the end of their <br />probationary period. Vice Chair Ballew asked if HR was still using the 5-part Personnel Action Form. <br />Secretary Hung and Sr. HR Analyst Taran explained that we now have an electronic Personnel Action <br />Form (ePAF). Member Badger asked if the Academy Graduates were put through the Police Academy <br />by the City. Secretary Hung noted the City does not pay for the academy for those applicants. <br /> <br />Chair Heystek asked Secretary Hung if she were asked how fully-staffed the City is, how she would <br />answer that. Secretary Hung said that most everyone would agree that staff is doing more with less. <br />For instance, HR had 9 employees and now we are at 6. The City has maintained the current Full-Time <br />G:\PRB\Minutes\2016\1.21.16 final.docx
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