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File Number: 15-721 <br />·Sites where conflicts with surrounding uses would not be created in the event of re-use. <br />Policy 53.04: INCLUSIONARY HOUSING <br />Require the inclusion of affordable housing in new housing developments - both inside and <br />outside of the redevelopment project areas. <br />Policy 53.06: NEW RENTAL HOUSING <br />Strongly encourage the development of additional rental housing in the City, including both <br />market rate units and affordable units. <br />Policy 58.0: SENIOR HOUSING <br />In accordance with the needs analysis conducted as part of this Housing Element, encourage <br />the production of housing targeted to San Leandro seniors. <br />Environmental Review <br />Pursuant to the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA), the appropriate level of <br />environmental review for the proposed San Leandro Senior Housing project was completed <br />prior to the execution of the loan agreements. <br />Legal Analysis <br />This staff report, HOME Loan Agreement and related agreements and documents have been <br />reviewed and approved as to form by the City Attorney’s Office. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />The City currently has a balance of $256,761 in uncommitted HOME funds from previous <br />years (Eden Account #166-43-062-8509). If this resolution is passed and $256,761 in HOME <br />funds is approved, the City will commit its entire balance of uncommitted HOME funds. There <br />will be a remaining HOME funds balance of $0.00. <br /> <br />The City will also commit $743,239 in Housing Successor Funds (Eden Account <br />#168-43-238-5240). These funds are formerly Redevelopment Agency Housing Set-Aside <br />funds designated specifically for affordable housing activities such as affordable rental <br />housing developments. <br />Budget Authority <br />Budget authority for the Resolution comes from the Federal HOME Investment Partnerships <br />(HOME) Program (under Title II of the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act, <br />as amended). <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />Attachment to Staff Report <br />·Attachment 1 - Phase II Senior Housing Pro Forma <br />Page 5 City of San Leandro Printed on 6/1/2016