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File Number: 16-137 <br />·Business license tax revenues $0.5 million - increased estimate based on actuals <br />·9-1-1 tax revenues $0.1 million - increased estimate based on actuals <br />Special revenue fund amounts have decreased mostly due to the State Highway Users Gas <br />Tax and the Alameda County Transportation Commission Vehicle Registration Fee <br />decreasing. <br />Use of fund balance increased due to increased CIP funding of $973,650 for eight new <br />projects and increased vehicle and equipment replacement of $760,938 for 24 items, for a <br />total increase of $1,734,588 for 2016-17. <br />Internal Service fund revenues increased to reflect increase in insurance reimbursements. <br />The following is a summary of revenues, by fund and the respective change: <br />Fund Adopted Projected Change % Change <br />General Fund $95,509,510 $100,518,448 $5,008,938 5.2% <br />Special Revenue Funds 12,466,028 12,403,429 -62,599 -0.5% <br />Capital Project Funds 3,260,000 3,550,000 290,000 8.9% <br />Debt Service Funds 2,948,319 2,948,319 0 0.0% <br />Enterprise Activities 17,545,121 17,545,121 0 0.0% <br />Internal Services 13,376,418 13,977,532 601,114 4.5% <br />Successor Agency Fund 4,613,081 4,613,081 0 0.0% <br />Total Operating Revenues $149,718,477 $155,555,930 $5,837,453 3.9% <br />Use of Fund Balance 1,514,559 3,249,147 1,734,588 114% <br />Total Revenues $151,233,036 $158,805,077 $7,572,041 5.0% <br />Expenditures: <br />There are over fifty line items that total $7,572,041 in expenditure increases for 2016-17. The <br />following is a list of highlights of the proposed amendments: <br />·Update the adopted budget labor costs by $1.6 million for the City Council approved <br />Memorandum of Understanding for all bargaining unit groups except for the Police <br />Officers’ Association <br />The remaining $6 million increased costs are associated with the following highlights: <br />·Climate Action Plan and Sustainability program implementation <br />·Increased fire services contract by $1.8 million (contract is 90% labor costs); this <br />increase is offset by the elimination of the 2016-17 Other Post Employment Benefit <br />(OPEB) set aside amount of $870,000 <br />·Increased community beautification endeavors such as: <br />o Increased median landscape maintenance <br />o Weed abatement <br />o Graffiti abatement <br />o Façade improvement program increase <br />o New banners <br />·Increased use of high school and college interns, as well as various staffing changes to <br />accommodate increased customer needs <br />·Digital library subscriptions and 40 chrome books for after school “Dub Club” program <br />·Expanded recreation programs such as: <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 6/1/2016