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File Number: 16-289 <br />marijuana cultivation and consumption. <br />(iii) A security plan, as a separate document, outlining the proposed <br />security arrangements for ensuring the safety of persons and to protect the premises from <br />theft and burglary, and employees and customers from robbery. The security plan shall be <br />reviewed by the Police Department and shall be a public record exempt from disclosure <br />pursuant to California Government Code Section 6255(a). <br />(iv) Such other information deemed necessary to conduct any <br />investigation or background check of the applicant, and for the City to determine <br />compliance with this Chapter, the City’s Municipal Code and Zoning Code. <br />(e) The City Manager shall designate the investigating official to whom an application <br />shall be referred. In recommending the granting or denying of such permit and in granting or <br />denying the same, such designee shall give particular consideration to the capacity, <br />capitalization, and history of the applicant and any other factors that in the City’s discretion it <br />deems necessary to maintain the peace, order and welfare of the public. The City Manager <br />on his or her own power and in addition to any other conditions of approval imposed by any <br />other City departments, boards, commissions or legislative bodies, may impose any <br />conditions on a Dispensary permit he or she deems necessary to maintain the peace, order, <br />and welfare of the public. <br />(f) At the time of submission of a Dispensary permit application, the applicant shall pay <br />a non-refundable Dispensary permit application fee. The fee amount shall be set by the City <br />Council. <br />(g) The issuance of a Dispensary permit shall not be effective until the permit applicant <br />has paid all fees, and received all other permits and approvals required by the City’s <br />ordinances, rules and regulations, including but not limited to any conditional use permit and <br />building permit. <br />4-33-300 - COMPLIANCE WITH STATE LAW AND MUNICIPAL CODE. <br />(a) A Dispensary must comply with all applicable state and local laws, policies, rules and <br />regulations, including but not limited to the California Health and Safety Code, the City <br />adopted Building Code, Plumbing Code, Electrical Code, Mechanical Code, Fire Code, the <br />San Leandro Municipal Code, the San Leandro Zoning Code, the Medical Marijuana <br />Regulation and Safety Act, and the San Leandro Administrative Code including any and all <br />rules and regulations related to the land use entitlement process, Dispensary operations, <br />annual Dispensary permit fee, annual business license fee, and the Americans with <br />Disabilities Act in order to be in compliance with the Dispensary permit. <br />The Dispensary must comply with any and all Conditions of Approval imposed upon it <br />pursuant to any land use permit or entitlement granted. <br />Failure to comply with the Conditions of Approval or any conditions imposed upon a <br />Dispensary permit by the City Manager, and all applicable local and state laws or regulations, <br />and failure to pay when due all fees may result in the imposition of fines, and suspension or <br />revocation of the Dispensary permit after an administrative hearing. The Dispensary may also <br />be subject to enforcement through the City’s nuisance abatement process and other <br />Page 5 City of San Leandro Printed on 6/14/2016