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File Number: 16-242 <br />ramps adjacent to streets scheduled for cape seals in order to comply with the Americans with <br />Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. At the time, the Sidewalk Repair project could <br />conveniently construct the curb ramps in addition to constructing property owners’ requests. <br />Staff incorporated the curb ramps required on the Street Sealing project into the Sidewalk <br />Repair project. This approach reduced overall project costs because the contract unit prices in <br />the Sidewalk Repair project were very reasonable relative to the current market prices. The <br />Street Sealing project had sufficient budget to pay for the work. <br />Analysis <br />The addition of the curb ramp work for the Street Sealing project utilized a considerable <br />amount of the funds authorized for this contract. However, as the work was paid from the <br />Street Sealing accounts, the sidewalk project still has unused appropriations which can be <br />used to meet outstanding property owner requests for sidewalk repair. <br />There is currently a backlog of sidewalk repair requests. Expanding the expenditure limit for <br />this contract allows the City to repair sidewalks quicker than would otherwise be possible and <br />in doing so reduces pedestrian exposure to uneven sidewalks. <br />Previous Actions <br />·On November 3, by Resolution No. 2014-117, the City Council awarded the construction <br />contract for the project to AJW Construction, provided authorization for change orders in <br />excess of 25% of the contract award amount and limited the total expenditure on the <br />project to $554,463. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />Policy No. 14.07 - Pedestrian Environment; strive to achieve a more comfortable environment <br />for pedestrians in all areas of San Leandro. <br />Environmental Review <br />This project is categorically exempt pursuant to subsection (c) of section 15301 of the CEQA <br />Guidelines. A CEQA Categorical Exemption for this project was filed with Alameda County on <br />August 21, 2014. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />The total project costs, including staff time in design and construction management will be <br />$689,414 and will be funded from the approved project funds listed below. <br />Budget Authority <br /> Account No. Appropriation Dates & Resolution Amount <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 6/14/2016