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8E Consent 2016 0620
City Clerk
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Agenda Packets
Packet 2016 0620
8E Consent 2016 0620
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CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Staff Report
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Reso 2016-077
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File Number: 16-250 <br />Street sealing is an annual maintenance activity that can prolong the useful life of streets. <br />The treatments associated with this project include slurry sealing, asphalt rubber chip sealing, <br />and micro -surfacing. These treatments involve the application of one or more layers of <br />aggregate materials, crumb rubber chips produced from recycled used tires, and asphalt <br />emulsions. The particular process is individually selected for each street based on its street <br />condition. <br />The City is divided into four asphalt maintenance areas, each year maintenance work is <br />concentrated within one area to improve efficiency and reduce costs. The worst streets that <br />are suitable for each treatment within the 2016 Maintenance Area were chosen for this <br />project, with priority given to arterial and collector streets that carry more vehicles. A summary <br />of street segments to receive treatments is attached. <br />As part of this project and in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the <br />City Council awarded the Ramp Upgrades 2015-16 Project, Project No. 2016.0071 to Rosas <br />Brothers Construction to install curb ramps where none currently exist and to upgrade <br />non-compliant ramps. <br />This project is funded in large part by Measure B sales tax money distributed to the City by <br />Alameda County Transportation Commission (ACTC) each year for use on local streets and <br />roads. The City has consistently used Measure B money within 3 years of receipt which is <br />within the 5 years allowed for the timely use of funds requirements. In January, 2016 ACTC <br />changed their timely use of funds policy to require use of funds within the same year they are <br />distributed to the City. The City has four years to comply with this new policy. Staff has <br />expanded the Annual Street Sealing 2015-16 project to include treatment on additional streets <br />in an effort to spend Measure B funds quickly and meet the timely use of funds requirement. <br />The City was awarded a grant from the California Department of Resources Recycling and <br />Recovery (CalRecycle) for the use of the crumb rubber chips derived from scrap rubber tires <br />in the rubberized chip seal process and will be reimbursed at a rate of $0.50 per square yard, <br />up to a maximum of $50,000.00, for each square yard of roadway where that process is <br />applied on this project. <br />Analysis <br />Bids were opened on May 24, 2016. Three (3) bids were received ranging from $842,912.41 <br />(base bid); $974,495.71 (base plus additive A bid) to $1,095,000.00 (base bid); $1,295,000.00 <br />(base plus additive A bid). The pre-bid engineer's estimate for construction was $774,400.80 <br />(base bid) and $918,278.85 (base plus additive A bid). American Asphalt Repair and <br />Resurfacing Co., Inc. was determined by staff to be the lowest responsible bidder. <br />The bid documents contained a Bid Alternate "A" for a selection of street segments in the <br />project scope. This work was separated from the base bid so that it could be omitted from the <br />contract in the event that bids received exceeded the available funding. In light of the <br />requirement to spend Measure B funds in a timely manner, staff recommends that Bid <br />Alternate "A" be included as part of this contract. <br />None of the bidders have an office in San Leandro and will not qualify as a local business per <br />the Local Inclusion Policy Ordinance. Also, none of the bidders will meet the Local Business <br />City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 6114/2016 <br />
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