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File Number: 16-313 <br />the Senior Services Commission. <br />USC is a nonprofit social research firm dedicated to conducting and using community-based <br />data to help build better communities. Since 1987 it has concentrated its work in areas <br />related to at -risk populations, including the poor, children, youth and many other areas. <br />The scope of work for the human services gap analysis includes the following: <br />1. Basic demographic analysis of the population residing in the City currently. This <br />description should include (but will not be limited to) data from the US Census, San <br />Leandro Unified School District, San Lorenzo School District, Alameda County Social <br />Services and Public Health Department and ABAG. <br />2. Development of an asset map of existing human services in the City along with a detailed <br />description of those services. Additionally, identify other non -local human services <br />providers and the specific types of services delivered within the City. <br />3. An analysis of the match of demographics and current services received by San <br />Leandrans. This analysis will also include the language ability of the current City population <br />and the providers of services. Diversity, cultural competency and language are a high <br />priority for the City. <br />4. The analysis will assist in determining services that are needed (and not currently <br />provided) in the City and future trends related to human services needs. The gap analysis <br />should show human services the City should address as a result of the research. <br />5. Comparison analysis to similar and like municipalities, including the unincorporated areas <br />geographically contiguous to San Leandro. <br />6. Comparison analysis to cities in Alameda County. <br />7. The Director of Recreation and Human Services will identify persons for key informant <br />interviews (15) and focus groups (5), which will be conducted to contextualize research <br />findings. At least two (2) focus groups will be conducted in other languages: one (1) in <br />Spanish and one (1) in Chinese. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />The Human Services Gap Analysis will cost $75,000. Funds will be appropriated from account <br />III [1a:�Ell CISP113 <br />Budget Authority <br />General Funds were appropriated by Resolution No. 2015-085 <br />ATTACHMENT(S) <br />Attachment to Resolution <br />• Consultant Agreement <br />PREPARED BY: Jeanette Dong, RHS Director, Recreation and Human Services Department <br />City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 6114/2016 <br />