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File Number: 16-274 <br />Councilmember Lopez asked for a presentation of street selection process/evaluation, and a <br />map showing historical work completed on the streets. <br />K. Cooke will review street program and revisit in July Facilities Meeting or possibly at a work <br />session or council meeting. <br />2.E.Discussion Regarding Future Agenda Items <br />Staff will also add more info to flyer for street maintenance, and show the quadrant map. A <br />display board with this information was available at the May town hall meeting and will be <br />brought to the July town hall meeting. <br />Staff will email Committee members CIP survey. <br />Public Comment Period: <br />San Leandro Improvement Association (SLIA) Dominic LiMandri discussed proposed Bocce <br />Ball Courts at Root Park. SLIA received prelim invoice from landscape architect. SLIA hopes <br />to bring to Council in June. Currently preparing presentation that will presented with plans to <br />Recreation and Parks Commission. Commission to comment and then plans will be finalized <br />and put out to bid. <br />Councilmember Lopez recommends presentation at Facilities and Transportation Committee <br />for review and discuss funding source. Put on Facilities agenda for July 2016 meeting based <br />on feedback from Recreation? <br />Councilmember Lopez: What is timeline for construction? <br />LiMandri: Expected to take 4-6 weeks, hoping to start in mid-August. <br />Vice Mayor Reed: Many things need to take place - Recreation and Parks Commission, <br />Facilities and Transportation Committee, review of funding package, permits and maintenance <br />agreement. This will not happen for anticipated August start date since allocation of funds <br />and review will take time. <br />Councilmember Lopez: Serves as alternate for Business Improvement District so wanted to <br />advise Committee that Association is considering asking the City for a loan. They would pay <br />back loan through assessment fees. <br />K. Cooke: We would like to provide an update on our Local Hazard Mitigation Plan: <br />N. Thom: Our LHMP must be revised every five years. The current LHMP was adopted in <br />2010 and its time for the 2015 year update. Council received a status report on the plan in <br />November, 2015. Since that time the plan has been approved by the State Office of <br />Emergency Services and is now with FEMA for review. We need to have the plan approved <br />by both FEMA and the City Council in order to be eligible for hazard mitigation grant funding. <br />Approval of the LHMP is scheduled at the May 23 Council work session. If the Council and <br />FEMA approve the plan by mid-June we will be able to request funding for the Shoreline <br />Flood Protection project which moves about 900 homes out of the flood plain. <br />Page 6 City of San Leandro Printed on 6/28/2016