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STATE OF CALIFORNIA – NATURAL RESOURCES AGENCY EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Governor <br /> <br />NOTICE OF PROPOSED AWARD (NOPA) <br /> The EPIC Challenge: Accelerating the Deployment of Advanced Energy Communities <br />GFO-15-312 <br />March 25, 2016 <br /> On November 24, 2015, the California Energy Commission released a competitive solicitation <br />titled “The EPIC Challenge: Accelerating the Deployment of Advanced Energy Communities” <br />under the Electric Program Investment Charge (EPIC) Program. The purpose of this solicitation is to fund a competition that will challenge project teams comprised of building developers, local <br />governments, technology developers, researchers, utilities, and other project partners to <br />develop innovative and replicable approaches for accelerating the deployment of Advanced Energy Communities. Up to $48,253,180 million in EPIC funding is available for grants awarded <br />under this solicitation. This NOPA identifies selected projects for Groups 1 to 4. An amendment to this solicitation manual with additional details and criteria for Phase II will be provided at a future date. Eligible applicants will be required to submit a new proposal <br />that meets the additional criteria of the Phase II solicitation manual amendment. The Energy Commission received ten proposals for Group 1, seven proposals for Group 2, five <br />proposals for Group 3, and six proposals for Group 4 by the due date of February 17, 2016. The proposals were screened, reviewed, evaluated and scored using the criteria in the solicitation. <br />The attached “Notice of Proposed Award” identifies the Applicants that are recommended for funding by Energy Commission staff and includes the recommended funding amount and score. <br />The total amount recommended for Group 1 is $5,813,555. The total amount recommended for <br />Group 2 is $2,957,388. The total amount recommended for Group 3 is $4,156,030. The total amount recommended for Group 4 is $5,997,996. <br /> <br />Funding of the proposed projects resulting from this solicitation is also contingent upon the approval of the projects at a publicly noticed Energy Commission Business Meeting and <br />execution of a grant agreement. If the Energy Commission is unable to timely execute a funding <br />agreement with the Applicant, the Energy Commission, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to cancel or otherwise modify the pending award. <br /> This notice is being mailed to the Applicants of this solicitation and is also posted on the Energy Commission’s website at: <br /> <br />For information, please contact Janna Franks by phone at (916) 654-4921 or by email at <br /> Janna Franks <br />Commission Agreement Officer <br />California Energy Commission 1516 Ninth Street, MS-18 <br />Sacramento, CA 95814 <br />CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION <br />1516 NINTH STREET SACRAMENTO, CA 95814-5512 <br />18