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File Number: 16-358 <br />Recommendation: <br />Staff recommends that the City Council review the proposed major facade modifications to the <br />Planned Development approval PD-83-3 and deny the applicant’s appeal of the proposed <br />project due to its inconsistency with the General Plan and Zoning Ordinance, which will uphold <br />the Planning Commission’s May 19 disapproval, all of which would be memorialized in the <br />attached draft resolution and findings for denial. <br />APPLICANT'S SUPPORTING STATEMENT <br />See attached. <br />BACKGROUND AND RELATIONSHIP TO THE SURROUNDING AREA <br />Greenhouse Marketplace is located on the north side of Lewelling Boulevard. The I-880 and <br />I-238 freeway interchange makes up the northeast boundary. Land uses south of the project <br />site include commercial retail uses, public uses, and multi-family residential, with single and <br />multi-family residential and commercial to the west. <br />The Planned Development, PD-83-3, received City Council approvals for the general and <br />precise plans in 1984 for the establishment of a 282,800 gross square-foot shopping center <br />development located on a 25-acre site. The subsequent commercial development, known as <br />the Greenhouse Marketplace, consists of a main building, four major stores/tenants, smaller <br />stores, and freestanding pads. Greenhouse Marketplace is accessed by Washington Avenue <br />and Lewelling Boulevard. <br />During the original General Development Plan review process, the Planning Commission staff <br />report and minutes from February 2, 1984 and December 8, 1983, respectively (see <br />attachment Excerpts of PD-83-3 Approvals), indicate that the overall design theme of the <br />buildings were intended to reflect the past use of the site as a greenhouse and nursery <br />business. The site was previously zoned as Nursery (N). In 2003, the City approved minor <br />modifications to allow façade updates for a new tenant, 99 Cent Only Stores. In 2005, the City <br />approved a minor modification to Safeway for exterior changes. The architecture of the <br />renovated Safeway building incorporates design elements consistent with the original <br />shopping center. In addition, the building color palate is indicative of a traditional greenhouse <br />building. In 2012, the City approved another minor modification to McDonalds, located off of <br />Washington Avenue; the approval allowed for the addition of a new drive-through lane and <br />other modifications to the site plan, building envelope, architectural details, and landscaping. <br />The McDonald’s building is set off on a separate stand-alone pad and its distinctive <br />architecture was approved due to its distance from the main shopping arcade. <br />DETAILS OF THE PROPOSAL <br />The proposed project would include exterior remodels to the facades of six buildings <br />distributed throughout the Greenhouse Marketplace Shopping Center. The buildings in the <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/13/2016 <br />36