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File Number: 16-358 <br />proposal contain Jo-Ann’s Fabrics, Hometown Buffet, Petco and various other tenants. <br />Buildings excluded from the proposal include those that contain McDonald’s, Jack in the Box, <br />Safeway, CVS, Food Maxx, Factory 2-U and the 99 Cent Only Store. These buildings are <br />under separate ownership and would remain unchanged. <br />The proposed exterior remodel would include removal of each glass atrium element. The <br />glass atrium element adjacent to Nothing Bundt Cakes would be filled in with standing seam <br />metal roofing to match the existing features. According to the applicant, the primary reasons <br />for the proposed modifications are to resolve ongoing building maintenance problems caused <br />by the leaking atriums, and to ostensibly update the buildings’ appearances. <br />The other glass atrium elements would be replaced with sign towers and columns that project <br />out slightly from the building. These sign towers would consist of cement plaster with a <br />two-inch reveal, cornice trim along the top and bottom of the tower element and stone veneer <br />along the length of the new columns. In addition, stone veneer accents would be added to the <br />base of existing columns on the six buildings included in the project scope. <br />The proposal also includes a change in the color palette. The new color palette would consist <br />of earth tones ranging in color from various shades of beige and brown to dark gray. <br />STAFF ANALYSIS <br />A Planned Development is a special zoning entitlement that is granted after individual review <br />of the specific application, which includes site planning, use of the property, architecture, and <br />landscaping. Staff contends that the proposed modification of the existing Planned <br />Development approval conflicts with General Plan Goals 42 and 43, and does not meet the <br />objectives of the Planned Development process or the provisions of the original approval <br />(PD-83-3). Per Zoning Code Section 3-1018, a Planned Development project is approved only <br />when it “will provide superior urban design in comparison with the development under the <br />base district zoning regulations.” <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />The Historic Preservation and Community Design Element of the San Leandro General Plan <br />contains Goals and Policies that, among other things, promote a stronger “sense of place” in <br />San Leandro and seek to ensure that new renovation contributes to the quality and overall <br />image of the community. The proposed project is inconsistent with Goals 42 and 43, as well <br />as Policies 42.07, 43.06, and 43.07 as described below. <br />Goal 42: Promote a stronger “sense of place” in San Leandro <br />The standard corporate architectural design, materials and color of the proposed project <br />communicates a commercial development that is typical of other such projects throughout the <br />region and even the state. The design fails to orient to, or reflect the character of the <br />surrounding community, and instead creates an independent commercial development, <br />detached from the surrounding neighborhoods and even other tenants and buildings in the <br />shopping center as a whole. <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/13/2016 <br />37