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File Number: 16-255 <br />and higher costs. On future projects staff will video pipe segments during the design phase <br />when existing videos are more than 12 months old. <br />Existing Utilities <br />Some contract change orders potentially could have been avoided if existing utilities were <br />shown on the project plans in greater detail. On this project plans were printed at a large <br />scale which made utility conflicts hard to identify. As a result several utility mains within the <br />work area weren’t flagged and thus hand work at these locations wasn’t included in the bid <br />price. Additionally, we had unforeseen conflicts with abandoned utilities and utility laterals. <br />Staff will draft the plans for future projects at a smaller scale so that conflicts with utility mains <br />are clear and work around them is included in the bid. As detailed records of abandoned <br />utilities and laterals do not exist, we will include a certain amount of hand work in each future <br />project bid. This allowance will be used when unforeseen utilities are encountered. <br />Traffic Control <br />Some contract change orders potentially could have been avoided if the quantity of traffic <br />control included in the bid was more accurate. Three days of traffic control was included at <br />each pipe repair and, although three days is sufficient for some locations, certain locations <br />required much more than three days of work to complete. The estimated quantity for traffic <br />control work on future sewer point repair projects will be based on the amount of time it takes <br />to complete similar types of repairs done on past projects so that the traffic control costs will <br />be more accurate. The Project Engineer will review assumptions on the extent of needed <br />traffic control with the Senior Engineer to improve the accuracy of this quantity item. <br />Utility Depths <br />Some contract change orders potentially could have been avoided if the depth of pipes to be <br />repaired was shown more accurately. As-built drawings for sanitary sewer mains, especially <br />those installed several decades ago, do not show the profiles of the pipes and only the <br />manhole depth is provided on the drawings. During the design phase, pipe depths were <br />assumed to be six inches below the bottom of manholes; however, it was found during <br />construction that the ground surface over the pipes was higher than the ground surface at the <br />manholes and thus the pipe depths were deeper than assumed. The depths of sanitary sewer <br />mains, especially those that will be replaced in their entirety, will be more conservatively <br />estimated on future projects to avoid unforeseen extra costs for trenching and backfill. <br />Current Agency Policies <br />·2015 City Council Goal: Maintain and enhance the City’s infrastructure <br />Previous Actions <br />·On July 21, 2014, the City Council by Resolution No. 2014-079 rejected all bids for the <br />subject project. <br />·On April 20, 2015, the City Council by Resolution No. 2015-083 awarded the construction <br />contract in the amount of $1,114,310.00 for the subject project to Con-Quest Contractors, <br />Inc. and appropriated an additional $279,512.00 of Water Pollution Control Enterprise <br />Funds to allow for the inclusion of the Additive Bid Item. <br />·On September 8, 2015, the City Council by Resolution No. 2015-153 authorized the City <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/13/2016 <br />124