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MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (MOU) <br />BETWEEN <br />THE SAN LEANDRO IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION (SLIA) <br />AND <br />THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />FOR THE <br />PLACEMENT OF ITEMS IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY <br />This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the San Leandro Improvement Association <br />(“SLIA”) and the City of San Leandro (“City”), together referred to as “Parties,” is to memorialize the <br />responsibilities, terms and conditions for the placement of items in the City-owned public right-of-way <br />or on City-owned properties, for the purposes of activating, programming, and beautifying Downtown <br />San Leandro, hereinafter referred to as “Project.” <br />I. OVERVIEW <br />The City and SLIA recognize a shared interest in activating, programming and beautifying Downtown San <br />Leandro. Therefore, this MOU is designed to outline a process by which SLIA may obtain City approval to <br />place or install items in City-owned public right-of-way or on City-owned properties, such as sidewalks, <br />plazas or parks. By complying with the requirements of this MOU, SLIA, in most cases, will not be <br />required to submit for separate City encroachment permit applications or pay City encroachment permit <br />fees with each proposed activity. The City retains the right to require submittal of an application for a <br />City encroachment permit if in the City’s opinion the activity is not covered by this MOU, or if <br />circumstances make it appropriate or in the City's best interest. <br />II. AGREEMENT <br />The Parties agree to the following: <br />I. Insurance <br />Prior to placing any items on City property and/or in the public right-of-way, SLIA shall <br />procure and maintain at its own expense insurance coverage and submit proof of same to <br />the City as follows: <br />1. General Liability - $1,000,000 for each occurrence/$2,000,000 aggregate <br />a. ISO endorsement: Evidence of Primary Insurance <br />b. ISO endorsement naming the City of San Leandro as Additional Insured <br />c. ISO endorsement: Waiver of Subrogation <br />144