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File Number: 16-380 <br />(g) Pursuant to California Elections Code Section 9285, when the City Clerk has <br />selected the arguments for and against the measure, which will be printed and distributed to <br />the voters, the City Clerk shall send copies of the argument in favor of the measure to the <br />authors of the argument against, and copies of the argument against to the authors of the <br />argument in favor. Rebuttal arguments shall be printed in the same manner as the direct <br />arguments. Each rebuttal argument shall immediately follow the direct argument, which it <br />seeks to rebut. <br />6. Passage of the Resolution. Pursuant to California Government Code Section <br />53724(b), this Resolution, including the approval of the submission of the proposed Ordinance <br />(attached as Attachment 1) must be approved by a two-thirds vote of all members of the City <br />Council. <br />7. Effective Date. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its <br />passage and adoption, and the City Clerk is directed to send certified copies of this Resolution <br />to the Alameda County Board of Supervisors, to the Alameda County Clerk-Recorder, and <br />County of Alameda Elections Department. <br />8. Appropriation of Necessary Funds. The City Manager is hereby authorized and <br />directed to appropriate the necessary funds to pay for the City's costs of placing the measure <br />on the election ballot. <br />9. Services of City Clerk. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to take all <br />steps necessary to place the measure on the ballot and to cause the ordinance or measure to <br />be printed. A copy of the ordinance or measure shall be made available to any voters upon <br />request. <br />10. CEQA. Compliance with California Environmental Quality Act. The approval of this <br />resolution is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code §§ <br />21000 et seq., “CEQA,” and 14 Cal. Code Reg. §§ 15000 et seq., “CEQA Guidelines”). The <br />tax proposed by this resolution is a general tax that can be used for any legitimate <br />governmental purpose; it is not a commitment to any particular action. As such, under CEQA <br />Guidelines section 15378(b)(4), the tax is not a project within the meaning of CEQA because <br />it creates a government funding mechanism that does not involve any commitment to any <br />specific project that may result in a potentially significant physical impact on the environment. <br />If revenue from the tax were used for a purpose that would have such effect, the City would <br />undertake the required CEQA review for that particular project. Therefore, pursuant to CEQA <br />Guidelines section 15060 CEQA analysis is not required. <br />Page 4 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/13/2016 <br />557