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10C Action 2016 0718
City Clerk
City Council
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Packet 2016 0718
10C Action 2016 0718
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7/15/2016 3:51:06 PM
Creation date
7/15/2016 3:51:01 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Staff Report
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A. At the time of payment of the taxes imposed by this chapter, each cannabis <br />business licensee must file with the City finance department a statement, under oath, <br />showing the true and correct amount of annual gross receipts derived from the cannabis <br />business allowed by the special permit or license issued to the licensee. A signed <br />declaration must be attached to the statement included therein, which will be in <br />substantially the same form as: “I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the <br />foregoing is true and correct.” The City has the right to audit the matters reported in the <br />statement to determine the accuracy of the figures contained therein. <br />2-21-500 Payment – Timing. <br />A. All taxes imposed by this chapter on a cannabis business whether it is a nonprofit <br />organization or a for-profit business must be paid to the City’s finance department on or <br />before the fifteenth day after the close of the month for which the tax is due. Licensees <br />or operators of cannabis businesses must file a monthly report with the City, even if <br />there are no taxes currently due. The report will show the annual gross receipts to date <br />as of the close of the prior month and will be used to calculate the amount of tax due. <br />Payment will accompany the form. The form will be provided by the City and the City <br />may revise the report without advance notice from time to time. Payment of taxes <br />imposed by this chapter must be in the correct amount of taxes due and owing. Such <br />sums correctly reflecting taxes will be accepted by the City, subject, however, to the <br />City’s right to conduct an audit. <br />B. If any licensee or operator of a cannabis business is liable for any amount of tax, <br />interest or penalty under this chapter, and he or she sells or otherwise disposes of the <br />business, his or her successors or assigns must withhold from the purchase price a sum <br />sufficient to cover such amount until the former licensee or operator produces from the <br />City either a receipt reflecting full payment or a certificate stating that no amount is due. <br />C. If the purchaser of a cannabis business fails to withhold a sum from the purchase <br />price as required in subsection (B) of this section, he/she will be personally liable for the <br />payment of the amount required to be withheld by him to the extent of the purchase <br />price. <br />2-21-600 Audit of declaration statement and payment. <br />561
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