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10C Action 2016 0718
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Packet 2016 0718
10C Action 2016 0718
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7/15/2016 3:51:06 PM
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7/15/2016 3:51:01 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Staff Report
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File Number: 16-364 <br />YES NO <br />Public Outreach <br />If the City Council decides to proceed with asking voters to adopt the above-referenced <br />measures, staff also recommends that as part of its actions, the Council appropriate $65,000 <br />from its economic uncertainty reserve for various outreach efforts in advance of the November <br />2016 election. Such efforts could include development of online and mailed informational <br />materials that explain the factual details of the proposed revenue measures. Similar to the <br />outreach efforts that were conducted in advance of Measure HH, a significant component of <br />these costs is driven by the cost of postage for the anticipated informational mailer. These <br />materials and outreach efforts could also provide additional information about the types of <br />community services and other policy priorities that could be funded with the new revenue <br />should voters ultimately decide to authorize the measures. A resolution authorizing a $65,000 <br />appropriation has been attached to this staff report for the Council’s consideration. <br />Fiscal Impacts and Spending Priorities Discussion: <br />If adopted by voters, conservative estimates indicate the proposed tax measures could <br />generate approximately $1.5 million per year in new ongoing General Fund revenue. If the <br />proposed measures are approved by voters, staff also recommends that the City Council <br />consider budgeting portions of the new funds derived from those measures towards the <br />following programs and service priorities, which survey responses indicate are of highest <br />priority to community residents: <br />·Fixing potholes and repairing city streets <br />·Improving 9-1-1 emergency response times <br />·Attracting new businesses and creating jobs in San Leandro <br />·Enhancing safety net programs for homeless and at-risk adults and children <br />·Making improvements to the Mulford-Marina Branch Library, including: providing space <br />for a children's area; children's story times; homework center; up-to-date reference <br />materials, books, audio-visual materials and periodicals; public access computers; a <br />community room; and free Wi-Fi <br />·Providing a police operations center that meets current seismic safety codes and will <br />survive an earthquake and be up and running in a disaster <br />·Enhancing walking and running trails in San Leandro parks <br />·Providing traffic calming measures to improve traffic safety <br />·Connecting to the Bay Trail and Bay Water Trail in San Leandro <br />·Providing programs that celebrate diversity in San Leandro <br />·Providing multilingual outreach <br />·Providing free Wi-Fi hotspots throughout the City <br />·Enhancing public art including sculptures and murals <br />In addition, if the City Council were to adopt the attached resolution authorizing funding for <br />public outreach efforts, it would result in $65,000 in net costs to the General Fund. <br />Submittal Requirements <br />The three attached Resolutions for the proposed ballot measures include blank spaces for <br />Page 6 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/13/2016 <br />539
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