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2A WorkSession 2016 0725
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Packet 2016 0725
2A WorkSession 2016 0725
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7/20/2016 9:45:43 AM
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7/20/2016 9:45:36 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Staff Report
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File Number: 16-392 <br />District rather than going through an Administrative Review (AR) process. This increases the <br />areas in which offices can be developed near the San Leandro BART station, to respond to <br />market demands. <br />DA-5 Use Regulations <br />Staff proposes to eliminate Section 2-644 DA-5 Use Regulations and renamed as Reserved. <br />This section of the Zoning Code is proposed to be removed in its entirety, as the two parcels <br />currently zoned DA-5 are proposed to be rezoned to DA-6. Corresponding removal of any <br />references to the DA-5 zoning district will be made throughout the Code. This change helps <br />simplify the zoning areas in the immediate vicinity of the San Leandro BART station and does <br />not significantly change the development potential as both DA-5 and DA-6 have the same <br />specification of no maximum density required. <br />DA-6 Use Regulations <br />Staff proposes to add Catering Services as a permitted use rather than as a <br />conditionally-permitted use. Entertainment Events are proposed to be added as a conditional <br />use in the DA-6 District where they were previously not allowed. And, Fast Food <br />Establishments, Small Scale will be added as a conditionally-permitted use rather than as an <br />Administrative Review. This responds to interest to provide more amenities such as a shared <br />commercial kitchen or other smaller restaurant and entertainment uses near the San Leandro <br />BART station. In addition, Public Safety Facilities are proposed to be allowed with a CUP, as <br />such uses are allowed in other DA districts. <br />Development Regulations in DA Districts for Setbacks and Height Transitions <br />Proposed amendments to the Development Regulations include a correction to corner side <br />yard setbacks such that they are consistent with the TOD Strategy which reduced front <br />setbacks to zero (0) to provide an attractive street environmental that encourages pedestrian <br />use. Specifically, changes to the corner side yard setbacks in Section 2-680 would be revised <br />from their current corner side yard setback of 10-15 feet (DA-1, DA-2, DA-3, DA-6) or 10 feet <br />(DA-4) to a zero (0) corner side yard setback. In Section 2-680.B.3, the wording that <br />references a fifteen (15) foot side or rear yard setback adjoining any R District is proposed for <br />removal. <br />In Section 2-680.F.3, the wording describing a 150-foot setback from the top of San Leandro <br />Creek is proposed for removal and reference to a “creek trail and open space” is proposed in <br />its place. This is recommended as the 150 foot setback is excessive and the change is <br />consistent with changes proposed to the Special Study areas in the Downtown TOD Strategy, <br />as discussed later in this report. <br />To clarify the daylight plane requirements which protect adjacent residential properties from <br />shadowing of new development, wording is proposed to specify that structures shall not <br />intercept a one-to-one or forty-five degree daylight plan inclined inward from a height of eight <br />feet above existing grade at adjacent low-density residential (RS or RD) zone property lines. <br />The graphics and associated wording that currently describe the daylight plane requirements <br />are proposed for removal because they are confusing for applicants. <br />Page 5 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/20/2016
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