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IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2016-102 <br />RESOLUTION AWARDING THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO'S SECOND MEDICAL <br />CANNABIS DISPENSARY ANNUAL PERMIT TO DAVIS STREET WELLNESS CENTER <br />FOLLOWING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE REVISED MEDICAL CANNABIS <br />DISPENSARY ORDINANCE <br />WHEREAS, in December, 2013, the City Council, to advance public health and welfare <br />in the community by making access to medical cannabis available to City residents in a more <br />convenient, safe, and legally compliant manner, approved a medical cannabis regulatory <br />ordinance to facilitate the approval, regulation, and operation of one medical cannabis dispensary <br />in San Leandro; and <br />WHEREAS, on June 4, 2016, the City Council subsequently adopted amendments to that <br />ordinance in order to allow for the issuance of a second medical cannabis dispensary permit and <br />conducted a second reading of said amendments on June 20, 2016, thereby making that modified <br />ordinance effective on July 20, 2016; and <br />WHEREAS, the City Council also directed staff to limit the selection process for the <br />second dispensary permit to the two following teams: Blum San Leandro (hereafter referred to as <br />"Blum"), and Davis Street Wellness Center (hereafter referred to as "DSWC"); and <br />WHEREAS, the City Manager appointed an inter -departmental stakeholder group <br />consisting of City staff from several City departments in order to assist in the implementation of <br />the adopted medical cannabis dispensary ordinance; and <br />WHEREAS, following a methodical and objective screening of the applications from the <br />two teams that were guided by the Council -adopted screening criteria, the City Council <br />determined that DSWC demonstrated the superior combination of knowledge, experience and <br />expertise, and offered the best fit and benefits for the San Leandro community. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of San Leandro does hereby <br />RESOLVE as follows: <br />That said medical cannabis dispensary annual permit is hereby awarded to <br />DSWC, and <br />2. That said permittee shall be subject to all of the requirements of Chapter 4-33 <br />within Title 4 of the San Leandro Municipal Code; and <br />3. That said permittee shall be subject to the following additional conditions of <br />approval: <br />a. Permittee shall comply with, effect, or further all of the commitments, statements <br />of intent, and promises, including but not limited to its community benefits <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2016-102 <br />