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<br /> (4) Capital improvement. The landlord seeks to terminate a tenancy in order to carry out a capital improvement. <br /> (g) RENT means the amount of compensation paid by a tenant to a landlord for the <br />possession and use of residential property for the month immediately preceding the serving of a <br />notice to vacate, including any amount paid to the landlord for parking, storage, utilities, water, garbage, or any other fee or charge associated with the tenancy. (h) RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY means any housing unit offered for rent or lease <br />in the City, provided that such housing unit is in a parcel that contains two (2) or more tenant- <br />occupied housing units, and mobile homes. Mobile homes are subject to this Chapter only if a <br />tenant rents the mobile housing unit itself. (i) SPECIAL-CIRCUMSTANCES HOUSEHOLD means a tenant or tenants with any of the following characteristics: <br /> (1) At least one (1) member is sixty-two (62) years of age or older; <br /> (2) At least one (1) member qualifies as disabled as defined by Title 42, United States <br />Code, No. 423 or handicapped as defined by California Health and Safety Code Section 50072; or (3) Is a household with one (1) or more minor children (under eighteen (18) years of <br />age) who are legally dependent (as determined for federal income tax purposes). <br /> (j) TENANT means any person having the legal responsibility for the payment of <br />rent for residential property in the City and includes any person or group of persons entitled to occupy the residential property under a valid lease or rental agreement with a landlord for five (5) consecutive years or more. <br /> <br />Article 3. Requirement to provide relocation assistance <br />4-35-300 Requirement to provide relocation assistance. No landlord shall cause a landlord caused termination of a tenancy of a tenant without paying relocation assistance in accordance with this Chapter. <br /> <br /> 4-35-305 Relocation assistance. <br /> The landlord shall provide relocation assistance, where required by section 4-35-300, to an eligible tenant in accordance with each of the following requirements: <br /> (a) A relocation fee which shall be the cash equivalent of two (2) months’ rent. <br /> (b) Moving expenses which shall be the cash equivalent of one (1) month rent. <br /> (c) One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) for special-circumstances households. <br /> 4-35-310 Procedures for relocation assistance payment. <br /> The landlord shall pay relocation assistance as follows: <br /> (a) The entire relocation assistance amount shall be paid to a tenant who is the only <br />tenant of the residential property. If the residential property is occupied by two (2) or more <br />tenants, then each tenant who is on the lease shall be paid a pro-rata share of the relocation assistance; provided, however, if a tenant or tenants receive, as part of the eviction, relocation <br />assistance from a governmental agency, then the amount of that relocation assistance shall <br />operate as a credit against any relocation assistance to be paid to the tenant(s). Landlord may <br />deduct from the relocation assistance payable any and all past due rent owed by tenant during the <br />twelve months prior to termination of tenancy.