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File Number: 16-411 <br />Chris Zapata <br />Public Present: San Leandro Improvement Association District Manager Dominic LiMandri, <br />Group 4 Architect Andrea Gifford <br />1.B.Announcements <br />N. Thom asked that Item 2C be moved ahead of 2B to which Mayor Cutter had no objection. <br />DISCUSSION ITEMS <br />2.A.Discussion Regarding Engineering & Transportation Department Summer Intern Program <br />The Engineering & Transportation offers a summer internship for local college and high school <br />students. This summer, E&T employed one high school intern and three returning college interns, <br />as well as an MTC intern. A. Osakwe introduced the Interns, Eric Hytonen (not present), Reign <br />Nelson, Flore Mountsambote, Adrian Toscano and Henry Wijaya to the Committee, whereby each <br />gave a brief bio. <br />The Committee expressed their appreciation and thanked the interns for their service. <br />2.C.Discussion Regarding Neighborhood Traffic Calming <br />M. Stella presented on neighborhood traffic calming and updated the Committee on projects that <br />will receive traffic calming for this fiscal year. <br />Councilmember Lopez had concerns regarding several streets: <br />138th Avenue: Neighborhood applied in 2014-15 but no traffic calming to date. M. Stella said this <br />street met volume criteria and that all neighbors reached consensus on traffic calming. This project <br />is projected for 2017 so it will be included in the next CIP street project. Staff intends to attend <br />neighborhood meetings when scheduled to provide more information. <br />Dowling Boulevard: M. Stella said Dowling meets the volume criteria, almost meets the speed <br />criteria and now needs neighborhood support and consensus. Mayor Cutter asked staff to look in <br />to getting bike lanes as a traffic calming option for Dowling Boulevard. <br />Mitchell Avenue: Councilmember Lopez communicated residents’ feedback that the threshold for <br />volume/speed criteria appears too high to qualify for them for the program. M. Stella will investigate <br />conditions on Mitchell Avenue and report back. He will also research parklets as an option for <br />traffic calming. As requested by Council Member Lopez, N. Thom will look into landscaped <br />medians (as modeled in Berkeley) as an option for Mitchell Avenue. <br />Mayor Cutter mentioned the use of speed indicators on streets that are going through the traffic <br />calming process and asked about getting more. M. Stella said the City currently has two portable <br />speed indicators. The State Office of Traffic Safety reduced grant funding allocation so staff is <br />currently re-evaluating their application for two additional speed indicators. <br />The Committee requested that staff review the criteria for traffic calming process and also <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 8/29/2016