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File Number: 16-411 <br />requested that staff explore other cities’ traffic calming options with the goal of offering a wider <br />range of options to San Leandro residents. M. Stella said the City has a range of options available; <br />speed humps the least costly. Allocated funding also determines the solution. <br />2.B.Discussion Regarding Library Flooring & Furnishings Project <br />N. Thom provided a brief description of the Library Flooring & Furnishings project at the Main and <br />Manor Libraries. He introduced the consultant on the project from Group 4 Architecture, Research <br />and Planning, Inc., Andrea Gifford. A. Gifford gave a presentation on various options for the <br />flooring and furniture for the Main Library as well as for furniture at the Manor Branch Library. <br />A discussion ensued regarding color options for the flooring. The Committee felt a darker color in <br />rooms that allow food, (specifically the Karp and Estudillo rooms) and the children’s library area <br />would be appropriate. Other concerns include whether the flooring options are allergen-free; the <br />need for furniture fabric that is easy to clean; adult area chair options with a seat height that <br />accommodates the elderly; and adequate light in the former periodical area. <br />There is a program called the California Multiple Award Schedules (CMAS) whereby suppliers offer <br />their products at a pre-negotiated price to state and local government agencies. Agencies can <br />purchase a wide variety of commodities, including carpet, off this list without having to go to bid. <br />Staff will compare this option with projected bid prices and proceed with the lowest cost option. <br />Staff will bring Committee’s concerns to the Library Commission who will make the final decision. <br />The project is set to begin at the end of December 2016. <br />2.D.Project Updates: <br />N. Thom provided a map and discussion of street work over the last 8 years. N. Thom will present <br />the same information to the full Council on September 6, 2016 along with the paving program, <br />budget information, 5-year budget forecast and review the criteria of street selection. <br />N. Thom provided a list indicating the status of each active CIP project. Various projects were <br />discussed. <br />Concerns about the September grand opening for the Siempre Verde Park were expressed and <br />inquiries as to whether rehab will be completed in time for Recreation’s scheduled movie night in <br />August. N. Thom anticipates completion in August 2016. <br />MacArthur / Superior Roundabout - an informational public meeting is planned for September. At <br />Councilmember Lopez’s request, N. Thom will notify neighbors. <br />2.E.Discussion Regarding Future Agenda Items <br />C. Zapata recommended that rail safety be included in Future Agenda Items. <br />PUBLIC COMMENTS <br />District Manager for the San Leandro Improvement Association Dominic LiMandri was present to <br />answer questions regarding the Bocce Ball Court project at Root Park. He announced that a <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 8/29/2016