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File Number: 16-339 <br />3.Mark Estes (Council District 2) <br />4.William Ho (Council District 2) - New Member <br />5.Diana Souza (Council District 3) - New Member <br />6.Barbara Butler (Council District 3) - New Member <br />7.Paul Keener (Council District 4) <br />8.Michael Wallace (Council District 5) <br />9.Sarah Bailey (Council District 5) - New Member <br />10.Naomi Armenta (Council District 6) <br />11.Aubrey Gibbs (Council District 6) - New Member <br />Meetings of the BPAC are held on an as-needed basis. The BPAC has typically met once or <br />twice a year since the completion of the last Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan in 2011. <br />Staff is planning the update to the current Plan and anticipates having four to six meetings <br />over the next year and a half. Thereafter meetings will be held on a regular basis as <br />recommended by the Committee with a minimum of two meetings a year. The BPAC is a <br />Brown Act body, so the general public is encouraged to attend and provide comment at BPAC <br />meetings to give input and feedback on the City’s Bicycle and Pedestrian related projects. <br />Previous Actions <br />The City Council adopted the most current Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan and <br />established the BPAC on February 7, 2011. <br />Applicable General Plan Policy <br />·Goal 14 Bicycle and Pedestrian Circulation - Promote and accommodate alternative, <br />environmentally-friendly methods of transportation, such as walking and bicycling. <br />·Action 14.01-A Bikeway Plan Implementation - Maintain and implement a City-wide <br />Bikeway Plan and update that Plan regularly as conditions and needs change. Undertake <br />the education, safety, maintenance, monitoring, and marketing programs identified in the <br />Bikeway Plan. <br />·Action 14.01-B Capital Improvement Scheduling - Maintain a schedule of capital <br />improvement priorities in the City’s Bikeway Plan and update this schedule as projects are <br />completed and additional funds become available. Capital projects should be developed <br />in accordance with the design standards and priorities identified in the Plan. <br />·Action 14.02 Funding - Aggressively pursue State and Federal funding for bicycle and <br />pedestrian improvements, while also including funding for bicycle and pedestrian <br />improvements in the City’s Capital Improvement Program. <br />·Action 14.03 Future Trail Alignments - Encourage the use of nature and man-made <br />corridors such as creeks and dormant rail lines for future bicycle and pedestrian trail <br />alignments. The safety of bicyclists and pedestrians and the privacy of adjacent property <br />owners should be top priorities in the design of such trails. <br />·Action 14.04 Accommodation of Bicycles and Pedestrians - Require new development to <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 8/29/2016