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File Number: 16-455 <br />Ø Transportation <br />Ø Housing <br />Ø Open Space <br />Ø Conservation <br />Ø Safety <br />Ø Noise <br />San Leandro has merged the state-mandated Open Space and Conservation Elements into a <br />single chapter called “Open Space, Parks, and Conservation” and has merged the Safety and <br />Noise Elements into a single chapter called “Environmental Hazards.” The City also has <br />incorporated the following “optional” elements in its Plan: <br />Ø Economic Development <br />Ø Historic Preservation and Community Design <br />Ø Community Services and Facilities. <br />The Housing Element of the General Plan stands alone as a separate document, and is <br />subject to review and certification by the State. It must be updated every eight years, <br />according to a schedule approved by the Legislature. Because Housing Elements for <br />2015-2023 were due to the State in January 2015, San Leandro prioritized completion of the <br />Housing Element and made this the first task of the 2035 General Plan Update process. The <br />remaining elements are not subject to State certification, although periodic updates are <br />recommended to ensure that the Plan complies with new legislation and best practices, and <br />continues to be relevant and useful. <br />The City retained a consultant team (led by Placeworks and Barry Miller Consulting) to <br />undertake the General Plan Update in March 2014. The project was characterized as a <br />General Plan Update, and not a brand new General Plan, as was prepared in 1998-2002. <br />Rather than starting “from scratch,” the focus was on updating factual information in the 2002 <br />Plan and revisiting the existing policies and actions to reflect current issues, objectives, laws, <br />and community perspectives. The Draft 2035 General Plan document is Exhibit A of the City <br />Council Resolution Adopting the 2035 Plan (see “Attachments” section below). <br />Much of the work completed during early 2015 consisted of an “audit” of the policies in the <br />existing plan and a discussion of which policies should be deleted, carried forward, or edited. <br />The work also included an update to the General Plan Map to reflect development since 2002, <br />new development opportunities, and ongoing plans and projects (such as the Downtown TOD <br />Strategy). <br />Extensive public outreach occurred during the General Plan update planning process since <br />2014. See “Summary of Public Outreach Efforts” for a more detailed description of public <br />outreach. <br />Concurrently with General Plan adoption, the City proposes amendments to the San Leandro <br />Zoning Code, including text and map changes. The zoning changes are a separate action <br />and are covered by separate resolutions, a staff report and ordinances for consideration <br />following the City Council’s action on the 2035 General Plan. <br />Analysis <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/13/2016