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File Number: 16-455 <br />City service delivery. Smart cities language was added to the Vision Statement, described <br />as a “major planning concept” in the Land Use Element, and emphasized through <br />additional narrative in several of the elements. In addition, several independent actions <br />under Policy ED-3.4 were merged into a new action to prepare a “Smart City Action <br />Strategy” that updates San Leandro’s Commercial Broadband Strategy, addresses <br />marketing strategies and future applications for Lit San Leandro, and guides future <br />expansion of the fiber optic system. <br />·In Table 3-2, which notes the zoning districts that are compatible with each General Plan <br />designation, the “P” (professional office) zoning district is now listed as compatible with the <br />“Downtown Mixed Use” General Plan category. <br />·The Land Use Element now notes that preparation of a Plan for the northern section of <br />East 14th as well as the northern MacArthur and Bancroft corridors is a very high priority. <br />·The Transportation Element was edited to reflect written and oral testimony from Bike East <br />Bay. The Element now suggests exploring a stronger and more consistent role for the <br />Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee, a commitment to citizen participation in <br />transportation planning, and adoption of complete streets design guidelines. The Element <br />also expresses that bicycle and pedestrian safety is a priority, notes the importance of <br />cross-town bike routes, and strongly supports the development of buffered bike lanes. The <br />word “accident” was replaced with “collision” in a number of places, as recommended. <br />·A description of noise issues associated with implementation of the Metroplex air traffic <br />control system was added, and Action EH-9.1.A (Noise Management Forum) was <br />expanded to note that the City will work with the FAA and other entities to mitigate noise <br />impacts associated with new air traffic patterns. <br />·Actions on historic preservation (CD-1.4.A, CD-1.5.A, CD-2.3.B) were edited in response <br />to comments from resident Erin Ouburg, a historic preservation professional. The edits <br />clarify the process for establishing the boundaries of a possible historic district, and the <br />way design guidelines may be used to further historic preservation objectives. <br />·Several photos in the June 1 draft will be replaced with new photos. <br />·The CEQA Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) will be included as an <br />appendix to the General Plan. The MMRP is Exhibit F to the City Council Resolution <br />Certifying the EIR (see “Attachments” section below). <br />Conflict of Interest/Segmentation of Voting <br />Because the General Plan affects so many different properties and businesses throughout <br />San Leandro, some of the City Councilmembers have a conflict of interest in their property or <br />Page 5 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/13/2016