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File Number: 16-456 <br />analysis on the potential for environmental impacts and constitute the Environmental Impact <br />Report for the San Leandro 2035 General Plan and related zoning amendments; and <br />WHEREAS, the EIR identified several potentially significant impacts that will be <br />reduced to a less than significant level with specified mitigation measures. Approval of the <br />Project by the City Council will therefore require adoption of findings on impacts and <br />mitigations and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program; and <br />WHEREAS, the EIR identified significant and unavoidable environmental impacts of <br />the Project. Approval of the Project by the City Council will therefore require adoption of <br />alternatives findings and a Statement of Overriding Considerations; and <br />WHEREAS, the complete San Leandro 2035 General Plan EIR consists of the Draft <br />EIR and the Final EIR, together with the following editorial and typographical corrections: <br />DEIR, Page 4.13-63, Impact TRAF-2A, line 2: Add “north of Davis Street” after the <br />reference to Doolittle Drive. <br />DEIR, p. 5-1, section 5.1: Change AQ-2a and 2b to AQ-2A and 2B. <br />DEIR, p. 5-2, Section 5.4, last para: Change TRAF-2 to TRAF-2A and 2B. Add a new <br />second sentence as follows: The project would significantly impact mixed flow transit <br />operations. <br />DEIR, p. 6-17, second para: Change 15 to 12 re: affected intersections; change eight <br />to seven re: affected freeway segments. <br />FEIR, p. 3-4, first sentence under Section 3.4: Change p.4.8-11 reference to 4.11-8. <br />The Draft and Final EIR documents are available for review in the Community <br />Development Department at City Hall and Main Library during normal business hours. The <br />location and custodian of the EIR and other documents that constitute the record of <br />proceedings for the Project is the City of San Leandro Community Development Department, <br />835 East 14th Street, San Leandro, CA 94577. <br />NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the foregoing recitals are true and <br />correct and made a part of this resolution. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the City Council hereby certifies as follows: <br />A.The EIR for the Project was completed in compliance with CEQA. <br />B. <br />C.The EIR was presented to the City Council, who reviewed and considered the <br />information contained in the EIR prior to approving the Project. <br />D. <br />C.The EIR reflects the City’s independent judgment and analysis on the potential <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/13/2016