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General Plan Addendum * August 26, 2016 Page 5 <br /> <br />Page 4-41 Modify third sentence of second paragraph as follows: (Caltrans) <br /> <br /> A northbound I-880 HOV lane from Marina to Hegenberger and an <br />extension of the southbound lane also is are planned. <br /> <br />Page 4-43 Add the following narrative text after the first paragraph, expressing a <br />commitment to community outreach (Bike East Bay) <br /> <br />This section of the Transportation Element addresses important <br />transportation-related issues and policy topics in San Leandro. These <br />issues are addressed by policies and actions later in this chapter. An <br />overarching consideration throughout this chapter is the increased <br />engagement of residents and businesses in transportation planning. San <br />Leandro is committed to the participation of individuals, community <br />groups, and advocacy groups in citywide planning, as well as the design <br />and planning of specific transportation facilities. <br /> <br />Page 4-44 Edit last sentence of first paragraph (on traffic calming) as follows (8/25 Planning <br />Commission): <br /> <br /> At least two-thirds of the property owners with front or side yards on the <br />affected street must approve the traffic calming measures via a mail-in <br />ballot. The current procedure for approving traffic calming measures <br />includes mail-in ballots from the surrounding neighborhood. Specific <br />requirements have been set for the percentage of ballots returned and the <br />percentage of these ballots in support of the improvements. The City <br />Council has the authority to revisit or modify these requirements in the <br />future. <br /> <br />Page 4-46 Under “Traffic Safety”, second sentence, replace “accidents” with “collisions” as <br />follows (Bike East Bay): <br /> <br />Increased traffic volumes and the increased presence of pedestrians and <br />bicyclists on local streets create the potential for additional collisions <br />accidents and the need for new safety improvements and enforcement <br />programs. <br /> <br />Page 4-55 Edit Action T-2.1.B as follows (Bike East Bay): <br /> <br />Action T-2.1.B: Street Classification and Design Standards <br />Incorporate Alameda County Transportation Commission guidelines for <br />the classification of streets based on priority user groups, such as <br />pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit users. This should include the <br />adoption of Complete Streets Design Guidelines that, as appropriate,