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4B2 Public Hearing 2016 0919
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Packet 2016 0919
4B2 Public Hearing 2016 0919
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9/13/2016 3:01:01 PM
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9/13/2016 3:00:58 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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File Number: 16-457 <br />Leandro Improvement Association, the San Leandro Improvement Association Land Use <br />Committee, the San Leandro Downtown Association, the African American Business Council, <br />the Asian Business Council, the Shoreline Advisory Group, the Estudillo Estates <br />Neighborhood Association, the Broadmoor Neighborhood Association, the Business <br />Association of South San Leandro, the Washington Manor Homeowners Association, and the <br />Industrial Founders Circle, amongst others; and <br />WHEREAS, public input was further solicited through a dedicated project website, with <br />the capacity for content translation into Spanish and Chinese, which included regular posting <br />of reports, news releases, maps, and documents, and a Virtual City Hall feedback web portal <br />enabling the public to provide feedback on policy issues; and <br />WHEREAS, the City provided public notices of General Plan study sessions and <br />workshops; maintained an email notification list of over 475 interested people and <br />organizations regarding opportunities for public input; exhibited General Plan materials at <br />community events such as the annual Cherry Festival; and provided American Sign Language <br />(ASL) and bi-lingual translators at its General Plan workshops; and <br />WHEREAS, the input received through the public engagement process, including <br />feedback from City Council members, was incorporated into the Draft General Plan; and <br />WHEREAS, the planning process included an “audit” of each policy in the existing <br />General Plan to determine its continued relevance and need for editing, and an evaluation of <br />plans and programs adopted over the last 14 years to identify potential new policies and <br />actions to be incorporated into the General Plan; and <br />WHEREAS, consistent with California Government Code section 65352.3, the City <br />obtained a contact list of local Native American tribes from the Native American Heritage <br />Commission and notified the tribes on the contact list of the opportunity to consult with the <br />City on the proposed General Plan update. None of the contacted tribes requested a <br />consultation within the 90- day statutory consultation period and no further action is required <br />under California Government Code section 65352.3; and <br />WHEREAS, the City prepared a Draft General Plan dated June 1, 2016 based on <br />public input, staff and consultant review and research, Planning Commission comments and <br />City Council direction amongst other considerations. The Draft General Plan includes text <br />and a Land Use Diagram and is a separately bound document on file at City Hall, <br />incorporated herein by reference as Exhibit A. The City released the Draft General Plan for <br />public review on June 1, 2016; and <br />WHEREAS, the Draft General Plan incorporates the Land Use Diagram changes <br />necessary to enable San Leandro to achieve City Council goals, comply with state housing <br />mandates, address population and employment forecasts; and achieve local economic <br />development, housing, transportation, and environmental objectives; and <br />WHEREAS, the Draft General Plan addresses important issues not addressed by the <br />2002 General Plan such as climate change, complete streets, and smart cities; and <br />WHEREAS, the Draft General Plan moves the City’s planning horizon forward from <br />2015 to 2035, ensuring the continued usefulness and relevance of the Plan as a long-range <br />planning document; and <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/13/2016
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