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File Number: 16-457 <br />WHEREAS, the Draft General Plan incorporates the necessary changes to comply with <br />current state planning law; and <br />WHEREAS, the City prepared an Environmental Impact Report to identify the potential <br />environmental impacts of approving the Draft General Plan (and related conforming zoning <br />amendments); and <br />WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a study session on June 16, 2016 to <br />consider the Draft General Plan, the accompanying Draft Environmental Impact Report, and <br />to receive public comment on the documents; and <br />WHEREAS, the City Council held a study session on July 5, 2016 to consider the Draft <br />General Plan, the accompanying Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR), and to receive <br />public comment on the documents; and <br />WHEREAS, written and oral comments on the Draft General Plan were received from <br />individuals, agencies, and organizations and are on file in the Community Development <br />Department at City Hall located at 835 East 14th Street and the Main Library at 300 Estudillo <br />Avenue; and <br />WHEREAS, the City prepared a Plan Addendum dated August 19, 2016, attached as <br />Exhibit B and incorporated herein by reference. The Plan Addendum was prepared <br />incorporating line edits to the June 1, 2016 Public Review Draft General Plan that respond to <br />comments from City Council members, Commissioners, individuals, organizations, and <br />agencies providing comments on the Draft General Plan; and <br />WHEREAS, a staff report dated August 25, 2016 and incorporated herein by reference, <br />described and analyzed the EIR and Draft General Plan (including the Addendum) for the <br />Planning Commission; and <br />WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered the staff report, the Draft General <br />Plan, the Addendum and the EIR at a noticed public hearing on August 25, 2016, at which <br />time all interested parties had the opportunity to be heard. Additional public testimony was <br />received and additional comments were provided by the Commissioners. The Plan <br />Addendum was further modified based on this testimony and comments received on August <br />25, 2016; and <br />WHEREAS, following the public hearing, the Planning Commission unanimously <br />approved Resolution 2016-002 recommending that the City Council certify the Environmental <br />Impact Report, and Resolution 2016-003, recommending that the City Council adopt the 2035 <br />General Plan (including Addendum), both of which resolutions are incorporated herein by <br />reference; and <br />WHEREAS, a staff report dated September 19, 2016 and incorporated herein by <br />reference, describes and analyzes the proposed 2035 General Plan (including the Plan <br />Addendum), and the related Environmental Impact Report for the City Council; and <br />WHEREAS, on September 19, 2016, the City Council reviewed the staff report, the <br />Draft EIR (including comments and responses), the Draft General Plan (including Addendum), <br />and the Planning Commission recommendation at a noticed public hearing, at which time all <br />interested parties had the opportunity to be heard; and <br />WHEREAS, following the public hearing, the City Council adopted Resolution <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/13/2016