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File Number: 16-476 <br />(3) Prevention and education programs. <br />(4) Corrections and community corrections programs. <br />(5) Drug treatment and enforcement programs. <br />(6) Planning, evaluation and technology improvement programs. <br />(7) Crime victim and witness programs (other than compensation). <br />The JAG funding must be spent according to certain federal guidelines, including the <br />following: <br />(1)Byrne JAG funds must be used to supplement existing funds for program activities and <br />cannot replace, or supplant, nonfederal funds that have been appropriated for the <br />same purpose. <br />(2)Byrne JAG funds cannot be used to fund security enhancements or to purchase <br />equipment by nongovernmental entities not engaged in criminal justice or public safety <br />directly or indirectly. <br />(3)Byrne JAG funds cannot be used to purchase vehicles (excluding police cruisers), <br />vessels (excluding police boats), or aircraft (excluding police helicopters); luxury items; <br />real estate; or for construction projects, other than penal or correctional institutions. <br />(4)JAG funds can be used for state and local initiatives, technical assistance, training, <br />personnel, equipment, supplies, contractual support, and information systems for <br />criminal justice for any one or more of the following purpose areas: <br /> enforcement programs; <br />b.prosecution and court programs; <br />c.prevention and education programs; <br />d.corrections and community corrections programs; <br />e.drug treatment programs; <br />f.planning, evaluation, and technology improvement programs; and <br />g.Crime victim and witness programs (other than compensation). <br />The Police Department has a need for a mobile software application to complement its <br />computer-aided dispatch system (CAD)-New World Systems. This application (called CAD <br />Webview) will offer a mobile platform during critical incidents to access the CAD system that <br />interfaces with existing technology, specifically the tablet computers deployed to management <br />staff. The current system for critical incident management has a fixed computer screen <br />display inside a command vehicle, which limits the user’s flexibility and range. This <br />application would provide critical incident commanders access to CAD event information in a <br />mobile environment. The application was an unfunded request last fiscal year of $25,373.30. <br />Staff recommends that the City Council appropriate the JAG funding to purchase this software <br />application, which satisfies the “technology improvement program” purpose area listed above. <br /> <br />Fiscal Impact <br />The acceptance of the grant will not impact the General Fund. If approved, the City will <br />receive $30,413.30 to provide technology improvements per the terms of the DOJ-JAG <br />guidelines, with no local share (matching funds) required. Expenditures will be captured in <br />special grant fund account #150-21-052. Staff requests that the City Council approve an <br />appropriation of $30,413.30 for the CAD Webview application. <br />Budget Authority <br />Staff recommends City Council approve and accept the grant award totaling $30,413.30 from <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/27/2016