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Ordinance , Exhibit C: Amended Article 6 <br />Note: underlined and bolded text represents new text; strike through represents text to be eliminated <br />DA-2 (Downtown Area 2). To implement specific provisions of the Downtown San <br />Leandro Transit-Oriented Development Strategy by providing for designated areas <br />on the periphery of the Downtown core where new development shall be sensitive <br />to and of a scale consistent with adjacent Residential Districts and where mixed <br />use developments are allowed and encouraged but not required. <br /> <br />DA-3 (Downtown Area 3). To implement specific provisions of the Downtown San <br />Leandro Transit-Oriented Development Strategy in areas immediately adjacent to <br />the Downtown retail core. Infill development shall respect the scale and fabric of the <br />neighborhood while increased building height and higher residential densities are <br />allowed. <br /> <br />DA-4 (Downtown Area 4). To implement specific provisions of the Downtown San <br />Leandro Transit-Oriented Development Strategy on land located near transit <br />facilities or where sensitivity to increased height and density is not significant. <br />Residential use is required and limited ground-floor retail and office uses are <br />permitted. <br /> <br />DA-5 (Downtown Area 5). To implement specific provisions of the Downtown San <br />Leandro Transit-Oriented Development Strategy in areas immediately adjacent to <br />the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) station where there are opportunities to <br />maximize transit ridership by developing at the maximum feasible densities with <br />minimal impact on neighboring parcels. Residential use is required and limited <br />ground-floor retail and office uses are permitted. <br /> <br />DA-6 (Downtown Area 6). To implement specific provisions of the Downtown San <br />Leandro Transit-Oriented Development Strategy by clustering office uses in the <br />vicinity of Davis Street and San Leandro Boulevard that will benefit from visibility <br />from these streets and the nearby BART station. Off-site and shared parking is <br />encouraged. <br /> <br />NA-1 North Area-1. To provide opportunities for small scale, pedestrian-oriented <br />retail and service uses which serve the neighborhood, encourage mixed use <br />development, especially multi-story mixed developments, minimize auto traffic, and <br />promote new development consistent with existing neighborhood quality. The NA-1 <br />Zoning District will serve to implement the North Area Specific Plan. <br /> <br />NA-2 North Area-2. To provide opportunities for and encourage mixed use <br />development, especially multi-story residential, commercial retail and service- <br />oriented uses, and promote new development consistent with existing <br />neighborhood quality. The NA-2 Zoning District will also serve to implement the <br />North Area Specific Plan. <br /> <br />P Professional Office District. To provide opportunities for offices, mixed-use and <br />multi-family residential uses at appropriate locations, subject to development <br />standards and landscaping requirements that prevent significant adverse effects on