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Ordinance , Exhibit C: Amended Article 6 <br />Note: underlined and bolded text represents new text; strike through represents text to be eliminated <br />adjacent uses. Retail activity is not appropriate, subject to limitations to ensure <br />development is consistent with existing neighborhood quality. <br /> <br />PHD Professional High Density Office Districts. To provide opportunities for high <br />density office development adjacent to downtown to support downtown retail <br />activity. Ground-floor retail, personal services, and restaurant uses may be <br />permitted at appropriate locations, subject to limitations to prevent significant <br />adverse effects on the downtown area. <br /> <br />SA-1 (South Area-1). To promote quality mixed-use developments, especially multi- <br />story developments, with neighborhood-oriented commercial uses. A primary intent <br />is to ensure that new development will be quality in-fill projects. Provisions for <br />reduced parking are included. The SA-1 Zoning District will serve to implement the <br />East 14th Street South Area Development Strategy, particularly, policies and design <br />guidelines for the Palma District and International and Cultural District. <br /> <br />SA-2 (South Area-2). To promote in-fill residential uses that would be sensitive to <br />the adjoining neighborhoods. Residential, commercial and community-oriented <br />uses would also be encouraged in mixed use multi-story buildings. Provisions for <br />reduced parking are included. The SA-2 Zoning District will serve to implement the <br />East 14th Street South Area Development Strategy, particularly, policies and design <br />guidelines for the McKinley Residential District. <br /> <br />SA-3 (South Area-3). To provide opportunities for larger commercial and office <br />developments, and to promote additional commercial opportunities that would <br />exhibit quality design. Provisions for reduced parking are included. The SA-3 <br />Zoning District will serve to implement the East 14th Street South Area Development <br />Strategy, particularly, policies and design guidelines in the Gateway District. (Ord. <br />2007-020 § 2; Ord. 2004-007 § 2; Ord. 2001-015 § 1) <br /> <br />2-602 Reserved (Ord. 2001-015 § 1) <br /> <br />Division 1. Use Regulations <br /> <br />2-604 CN District—Use Regulations <br /> <br />A. CN District—Permitted Uses. <br /> <br />The following uses are allowed in the CN District, and a conditional use permit is <br />not required, provided that the use does not operate between the hours of 10:00 <br />p.m. and 7:00 a.m. (Certain uses are subject to special requirements and/or <br />limitations, as prescribed following the individual use classification.) <br /> <br />1. Accessory uses, other than entertainment events, when in conjunction with a <br />permitted use. <br />2. Animal Grooming.