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Ordinance , Exhibit A: Amended Article 3 (excerpt only) Note: underlined and bolded text represents new text; strike through represents text to be eliminated <br />Ordinance , Exhibit A: Proposed Amendments to Article 3, <br />Section 1-304 Definitions (Excerpts) <br />Note: underlined and bolded text represents new text; strike through represents text to be eliminated <br /> <br />The following definitions are revised as follows and no changes are proposed to other definitions: <br />Health and Fitness Centers. Establishments with equipment for exercise and physical conditioning. This classification includes spas, gyms, tennis clubs, racquet <br />ball clubs, pools, sports courts and fields, climbing walls, skating rinks, batting <br />cages, diet centers, reducing salons, fitness studios, health studios, and massage <br />therapy as an accessory use to another health and fitness center use. Any such facilities that offer alcoholic beverage service shall be defined as commercial <br />recreation. <br /> <br /> Industry, General. Manufacturing of products, primarily from extracted or raw materials, or bulk storage and handling of such products and materials. Uses in this <br />classification typically involve a high incidence of truck or rail traffic, and/or outdoor <br />storage of products, materials, equipment, or bulk fuel. This classification includes <br />chemical manufacture or processing, laundry and dry cleaning plants, and auto <br />dismantling within an enclosed building, and stonework and concrete products manufacture. This classification excludes the processing of recycled materials as a <br />facility regulated by Section 4-1646: Recycling Facilities. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />