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6 Ordinance _____, Exhibit A <br />Bold and underlined indicates added text; strikethrough indicates deletions <br />reduced adjacent to the Cherrywood residential neighborhood. <br />3. Sound protection from BART and UPRR shall be provided. <br />SP-6 - Thrasher Park Special Policies <br />The following shall be incorporated in any new public or private development other than public <br />uses proposed on the 4.5-acre City-owned Thrasher Park and 50-space parking lot: <br />1. Redevelopment or private use of the site shall not occur until an equivalent or larger site is <br />located and replacement open space and recreational facilities are complete. <br />2. If developed, uses shall be limited office and support retail only to capitalize on the commercial <br />frontage. <br />3. Maximum building height on the Thrasher Park site shall be 50 feet. Building scale and height <br />shall be reduced adjacent to the existing Orchard Street residential neighborhood. <br />SP-7 - St. Leanders School Special Policies <br />This privately-owned site is to remain in open space, recreational, and educational use, with the <br />following permitted ancillary uses: <br />1. A public/private agreement may be entered into to allow shared use, including shared parking or <br />recreation, during specified hours. <br />2. Any such shared use agreement shall include provisions for cost sharing to provide for capital <br />improvements, maintenance, management, and security. <br />3. In the event a shared use agreement cannot be reached and development proposals are submitted <br />by the property owner, all new development shall meet the requirements of the Downtown Area <br />4 District with the following exceptions: <br />a. Residential parking shall be provided at a maximum of 1.0 spaces per unit. <br />b. No parking is required for retail uses in mixed use developments. <br />SP-8 - BART/Westlake Properties Special Policies. <br />The provisions of these Special Policies apply to the specific properties clustered around the <br />BART station as described herein to take advantage of immediate transit proximity, maximize <br />the positive impact on the Downtown revitalization, and increase transit ridership. <br />Site A: The 2.1-acre BART East Parking Lot. Development requirements for this parcel shall <br />comply with the provisions of the Downtown Area 4 District with the following exceptions: