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File Number: 16-460 <br />amendments, which resolutions are incorporated herein by reference; and <br />WHEREAS, a staff report dated September 19, 2016 and incorporated herein by <br />reference, described and analyzed the proposed S-overlay zone amendments for the City <br />Council; and <br />WHEREAS, the City Council held a duly noticed public hearing on the proposed S-overlay <br />zone amendments on September 19, 2016, at which time all interested parties had the <br />opportunity to be heard; and <br />WHEREAS, the City Council considered the staff report, the Planning Commission <br />recommendation, the EIR, all oral and written testimony, and the materials in the record <br />before taking action on the proposed S-overlay zone amendments; and <br />WHEREAS, following the public hearing, the City Council adopted Resolution 2016-____ <br />certifying the EIR and making required CEQA findings for the 2035 General Plan and related <br />zoning amendments, including the S-overlay zone amendments, and adopted Resolution <br />2016-____adopting the San Leandro 2035 General Plan, which resolutions are incorporated <br />herein by reference. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of San Leandro does ORDAIN as <br />follows: <br />SECTION 1.Recitals. The above recitals are true and correct and made a part of this <br />ordinance. <br />SECTION 2. CEQA. The S-overlay zone amendments are within the project analyzed <br />in the Environmental Impact Report certified by the City Council in Resolution _____ on <br />September 19, 2016. <br />SECTION 3. Findings. Based on the entirety of the record, the City Council hereby <br />finds that the proposed S-overlay zone amendments to Ordinance 2007-021 as shown in <br />Exhibits A and B are consistent with the policies of the recently adopted 2035 General Plan. <br />The City Council further finds that consideration of the proposed S-overlay zone amendments <br />complied with the notice and hearing provisions of the Zoning Code. <br />SECTION 4. Approval. The City Council hereby approves the S-overlay zone <br />amendments as shown in attached Exhibits A and B, described as follows: <br />·Exhibit A: Proposed Amendments to Ordinance 2007-021 text <br />·Exhibit B: Proposed Amendments to Ordinance 2007-021 map <br />Attached Exhibits A and B are incorporated herein by reference and available for review in the <br />City Clerk’s office during normal business hours. <br />SECTION 5. Severability. If any provision of this ordinance or the application thereof <br />to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the ordinance, including the <br />application of such part or provision to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected <br />thereby and shall continue in full force and effect. To this end, provisions of this ordinance <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/27/2016