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<br />SCHEDULE A <br />GRANT DESCRIPTION GRANT NO. PS1715 <br /> PAGE 5 <br /> <br />OTS-38b (Rev. 4/16) <br />2. Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Assembly – Conduct fifty (50) activities of a professional quality <br />theatrical assembly “Rock the Block: a Walk and Roll Musical” to teach students about bicycle and <br />pedestrian safety, and encourage students to walk and bike to school at eight (8) elementary schools 3. Bicycle Rodeos – Conduct fifteen (15) activities of a comprehensive bicycle safety education <br />program through a mini-town "bike rodeo" to 4th and 5th graders at eight (8) elementary schools <br />(Note: Reduced by two elementary schools that have been covered by the ongoing Alameda CTC <br />SR2S Program) <br />4. Drive Your Bike Program – Conduct seven (7) activities of a Drive Your Bike Program through their P.E. classes at two (2) middle schools so that students lean to ride bicycles in City streets. <br /> <br />The contractor will perform following tasks for senior adults: <br />1. Conduct one (1) public awareness campaign by utilizing public service space from local newspaper, <br />city cable station, radio and flyers mailed in utility bills. <br />2. Hold one (1) kick-off media event to announce the program. <br />3. Conduct twelve (12) traffic safety workshops for older adults. <br />4. To conduct twelve (12) “Walking Field Trips” for older adults. <br />5. Conduct seven (7) community outreach events for older adults. <br />6. Distribute information through health care providers, senior centers, etc. <br />Media Requirements <br /> <br />• Submit all grant-related activity press releases, media advisories, and general public materials to the OTS Public Information Officer (PIO) at, with a copy to your OTS Coordinator. <br /> <br /> If an OTS template-based press release is used, the OTS PIO and Coordinator should be copied <br />when the release is distributed to the press. If an OTS template is not used, or is substantially <br />changed, a draft press release shall be sent to the OTS PIO for approval. Optimum lead time would be 10-20 days prior to the release date to ensure adequate turn-around time. <br /> <br />• Use the following standard language in all press, media, and printed materials: Funding for this <br />program was provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. <br /> <br />• Email the OTS PIO at and copy your OTS Coordinator at least 30 days in advance, a <br />short description of any significant grant-related traffic safety event or program so OTS has sufficient notice to arrange for attendance and/or participation in the event. <br />• Submit a draft or rough-cut of all printed or recorded material (brochures, posters, scripts, artwork, <br />etc.) to the OTS PIO at and copy your OTS Coordinator for approval 14 days prior to the production or duplication. <br />• Include the OTS logo, space permitting, on grant-funded print materials; consult your OTS <br />Coordinator for specifics.