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CR -05 - Goals and Outcomes <br />Progress the jurisdiction has made in carrying out its strategic plan and its ,action plan. <br />91.520(a) <br />This could be an overview that includes major initiatives and highlights that were proposed and executed <br />throughout the program year. <br />The City of San Leandro completed the first year of its FY 2015-2019 HUD Consolidated Plan. Th. e City's <br />CDBG funds were used for activities that meet the following CDBG program national objective: benefiting <br />low- and moderate -income (LMI) persons. <br />The City allocated all of its CDBG public services funds to four (4) subrecipients who provided support <br />services to 9,729 low-income persons in need from July 1, 2015'through June 30, 2016. <br />The City also allocated CDBG funds to provide nine (9) ineom( <br />rehabilitation grants to rehabilitate and repair their homes. <br />Additionally, CDBG funds funded the following: 1) the City's imple <br />designed to modify the City's facilities to make them more ADA a( <br />public; and 2) the repayment of the City's Section 108 Loan, whi <br />construction of its new senior center, in accordance with HUD.s 20 <br />See also attached IDIS Reports. <br />• PR23 -Summary of Accomplishments <br />• PR03 - CDBG Activity Summary Report <br />• PR26 - CDBG Financial Summary Report <br />Consolidated Plan <br />OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 07/31/2015) <br />SAN LEANDRO <br />meowners with housing <br />ntation of its ADA Transition Plan <br />;sible WAisabled members of the <br />the City utilized to complete the <br />r repayment schedule. <br />2 <br />