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EXHIBIT D <br />HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT <br />Between FIRST HOME, INC. and the CITY of SAN LEANDRO <br />To the fullest extent allowed by law, First Home, Inc. (subcontractor to Consultant, Bay <br />Area Home Buyer Agency) hereby agrees to, and shall hold the City of San Leandro, its <br />elective and appointed boards, commissions, officers, agents, employees and volunteers <br />harmless from any loss, liability, expense, claim, costs, suits and damages of every kind, <br />nature and description directly or indirectly arising from the performance of the activities <br />permitted. First Home, Inc. agrees to, and shall defend the City of San Leandro and its <br />elective and appointed boards, commissions, officers, agents, and employees, and <br />volunteers from any suits or actions at law or in equity for damages caused, or alleged to <br />have been caused, by reason of the aforesaid activities, regardless of whether or not City <br />has assisted in or approved such activities. <br />I declare that I am authorized to make this agreement and, to the best of my knowledge <br />and belief, all the information given herein is true, accurate, and complete. I have read <br />and understand the above HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT and that this agreement <br />shall be binding up n myself and the organization or group I represent. <br />Signed: 7 12-12016 _ T� �C \(> ,-p 4 --vg <br />Co sultant Signature late Consultant Printed Name <br />Company: <br />Address: <br />Telephone#: k2I 97 <br />ACCEPTED BY CITY OF SAN LEANDRO: <br />lgned: x-27 1(, Richard Pio Roda <br />Richard Pio Roda, City Attorney Date City Attorney <br />Consulting Services Agreement between City of San Leandro and Last revised July 1, 2016 <br />BAHBA for Homebuyer Program --Exhibit D Page 1 of 1 <br />