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10A Action 2016 1017
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Packet 2016 1017
10A Action 2016 1017
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10/12/2016 11:12:31 AM
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10/12/2016 11:12:13 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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File Number: 16-511 <br />Authority by the City. This agreement specifies the term of the agreement (13 years) and the <br />amount of payments. <br />Assignment Agreement - This agreement is between the Authority and U.S. Bank National <br />Association (the Trustee). In this agreement the Authority assigns all of its rights under the <br />Lease Agreement to the Trustee. For example, rather than the City making semi-annual lease <br />payments to the Authority and the Authority then paying the bond holders, the City will make <br />its payments directly to the Trustee and the Trustee will then pay the holders of the Refunding <br />Bonds. <br />Indenture of Trust - This agreement is between the Authority, the City and the Trustee. The <br />Indenture of Trust sets forth the guidelines for the administration, investment and treatment of <br />the proceeds of the issue. <br />Bond Purchase Agreement - The Bond Purchase Agreement is an agreement between the <br />City and the underwriter under which the underwriter purchases the Refunding Bonds. This <br />agreement specifies the price and interest rates at which the underwriter will purchase the <br />Refunding Bonds and the documents that will be executed at closing. <br />Preliminary Official Statement - This document is the public offering statement for the <br />issuance of the Refunding Bonds. This document thoroughly describes the plan of refunding, <br />the public asset to be leased, and the economic, financial and social characteristics of the <br />City. <br />Continuing Disclosure Agreement - This agreement obligates the City to continue providing <br />information regarding the City, the Authority and the Refunding Bonds to the secondary <br />municipal bond market as long as they are outstanding. <br />Termination Agreement - These instructions are from the Authority and City and direct the <br />Trustee on what needs to be done to fully refund the 2007 COPs. <br />Irrevocable Refunding Instructions - This agreement is between the Authority, the City and <br />the Trustee to terminate the 2007 Lease Agreement, 2007 Site Lease, 2007 Memorandum of <br />Lease and 2007 Assignment as soon as the Refunding Bonds have closed and funds paid to <br />the Trustee. <br />Indemnity Letter - This letter from the City indemnifies the Trustee for any costs related to <br />the revocable notice of prepayment to owners of the 2007 COPs if it is necessary for the City <br />to direct the trustee to revoke the notice after it has been issued and before closing. <br />Current City Council Policy <br />The City Council and Public Financing Authority must approve municipal debt issues that <br />impact their financial position. <br />Summary Of Public Outreach Efforts <br />The meeting was properly noticed in accordance with California law. <br />Fiscal Impact <br />Page 4 City of San Leandro Printed on 10/11/2016
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