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Finance- A. Pro Forma and Operating Costs: <br />Three Year Pro Forma Operating Budget (See attached pro forma calculation and tax materials) <br />Blüm SL’s three-year pro forma budget has been developed based upon actual operating cost figures <br />generated by Blüm Oakland, which has been operating as a permitted medical cannabis dispensary for <br />four years in Oakland, California. The experience, expertise and knowledge acquired from operating <br />Blüm Oakland were utilized to project the detailed pro forma provided in the attached documents. Blüm <br />Oakland’s executive team experience will be extremely beneficial in developing a sustainable, non- <br />profit enterprise that will serve the San Leandro patients and community. The assumptions of the <br />pro forma financials conform to the medical cannabis laws and regulations of San Leandro and the <br />State of California. These assumptions and financials also take into account Blüm SL’s sharing the San <br />Leandro market with Harborside Health Center. <br />Assumptions <br />Blüm SL’s three year pro forma calculation methodologies benefit from Blüm Oakland’s experience in <br />planning, building, developing, opening, and successfully operating a respected and sustainable <br />dispensary model. The Blüm Oakland team has the proven experience and know how to start a <br />dispensary in San Leandro because we have done so successfully in Oakland, California and now in <br />Las Vegas, Nevada as well. The submitted calculations for revenue and growth are based upon actual <br />data and records collected from Blüm Oakland. Thus, Blüm SL can benefit with an existing patient base <br />from which the San Leandro start-up can develop. Blüm SL expects to begin serving approximately 60 <br />patient visits per day, increasing over the next three years to approximately 300 patient visits per day. <br />These projections are based on current registered Blüm Oakland patients who live in San Leandro or <br />nearby communities, and on the overall experience gained in operating Blüm Oakland. Blüm Oakland <br />patients will be notified of the new San Leandro location, which may geographically better serve their <br />needs. The data below represents the respective community where known patients reside and the <br />number of such patients currently registered at Blüm Oakland. <br />Registered <br />Community <br />San Leandro <br />Castro Valley 335 <br />Patients <br />1,554 <br />San Lorenzo 285 <br />Hayward <br />Fremont 502 <br />Union City 368 <br />Newark 165 <br />Dublin <br />223 <br />San Ramon <br /> 235 <br />Total <br />5,592 <br />1,925