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10C Action 2016 1017
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Packet 2016 1017
10C Action 2016 1017
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10/12/2016 11:12:33 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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File Number: 16-530 <br />On September 18, 2016, the City Council adopted the amendments to the medical cannabis <br />dispensary ordinance to allow for the issuance of a third dispensary permit and to eliminate <br />the requirement that dispensaries be located at least 1,000 feet from one another. A second <br />reading of those ordinance amendments was then conducted on October 3, 2016 meeting. <br />Presuming a referendum on these changes is not filed, the amended ordinance will become <br />effective on November 2, 2016. <br />Overview of Blum SL’s proposal <br />As outlined in the July 18, 2016 staff report and in the attached application materials, Blum SL <br />submitted a detailed proposal that effectively responded to the City’s questions. Blum SL’s <br />responses demonstrated that it had the capability and capacity to operate a successful <br />dispensary in San Leandro. As part of that proposal, the applicants proposed to purchase <br />real property at 1925-1927 Fairway Drive. The site complies with the distance requirements <br />outlined in the dispensary ordinance and is located in an industrial zone that is appropriate for <br />the proposed use. In addition, Blum SL’s proposed site would provide in excess of 30 parking <br />spaces, which exceeds the minimum parking standards required by the San Leandro Zoning <br />Code. Blum SL’s proposed dispensary operations would utilize approximately 5,000 square <br />feet of the 13,300 square foot building. Blum SL is also interested in either relocating its <br />laboratory and manufacturing operations to San Leandro, or expanding into manufacturing <br />edibles in the remaining 8,300 square feet. <br />Finances <br />Based on current registered Blum Oakland patients who live in San Leandro or nearby <br />communities, Blum SL expects to begin serving approximately 60 patient visits per day in the <br />first quarter of operations, gradually increasing over the next three years to approximately 300 <br />patient visits per day. According to its pro forma, Blum SL will generate approximately $2.6 <br />million in revenue in its first full year of operation; approximately $5.4 million in Year 2, and <br />approximately $7.3 million in Year 3. However, it should be noted that these projections were <br />based upon the anticipated existence of only two dispensaries in San Leandro. Given that the <br />Council is now considering awarding three permits, it is conceivable that these projections <br />could be impacted by the existence of three dispensaries instead of two. <br />Operations <br />Blum SL proposes a tested, traditional model of dispensing medical cannabis that is informed <br />by its four years of experience operating a dispensary in Oakland, and more recently in Las <br />Vegas. Blum SL’s application includes photos of the Las Vegas location, which will be the <br />model for the San Leandro dispensary. Blum SL will be structured as a new community <br />collective, although managed by many of the same executive team members who manage <br />Blum Oakland. As a result of Blum Oakland’s merger with a publicly traded company -- Terra <br />Tech Corporation - Blum SL states that it will have greater access to “working capital, state of <br />the art equipment, grow technology, human resources services, community partners, and <br />industry expertise.” Blum SL states that the merger increased levels of transparency through <br />more stringent financial and performance auditing requirements, which resulted in stricter <br />operating standards. <br />Blum SL proposes that it will employ 21 employees in year 3 and operate up to 10 patient <br />stations to handle 300 patients per day. All employees at Blum SL would be offered access to <br />a medical plan, dental, vision, employee assistance, 401(k) retirement match, and various <br />other employee benefits upon hiring. Blum SL also plans to handle vendor purchases at its <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 10/11/2016
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