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Ord 2016-013
City Clerk
City Council
Ord 2016-013
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10/17/2016 4:56:50 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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outside the building, on adjacent properties or public rights-of-way, or within any other unit <br />located within the same building as the Dispensary, if the use only occupies a portion of a <br />building. <br />(6) The Dispensary shall provide litter removal services twice (2) each <br />operating day on and in front of the premises and on public sidewalks within one <br />hundred feet (100') of the Dispensary. <br />(d) Security. <br />(1) High definition security cameras or other technology that produces high <br />resolution video and recording capabilities shall be installed and maintained in good condition, <br />and the camera and recording system must be of adequate quality, color rendition and <br />resolution to allow the identification of an individual. The cameras shall be in use 24 hours a <br />day, 7 days per week, and shall cover the marijuana dispensing areas, storage areas, all doors <br />and windows to the Dispensary, parking areas and other areas as determined by the Chief of <br />Police. The recordings shall be maintained at the Dispensary property for a period of fifteen <br />(15) days. An additional forty-five (45) days of records shall either be maintained physically on <br />site or may instead be stored offsite so long as such records are made available electronically <br />within two hours upon request by the City for purposes of criminal investigation. <br />(2) The Dispensary shall be alarmed with a centrally -monitored fire and burglar <br />alarm system, and monitored by an alarm company properly licensed by the State of California <br />Department of Consumer Affairs Bureau of Security and Investigative Services in accordance <br />with California Business & Professions Code § 7590 et seq. and whose agents are properly <br />licensed and registered under applicable law. <br />(3) During Business Hours, the Dispensary shall provide a minimum of three (3) <br />security guards duly licensed by the State of California, Department of Consumer Affairs. Each <br />security guard shall possess a "Security Guard Card" at all times, and shall not possess firearms <br />or tasers. <br />(4) Security guard duties shall include, but are not limited to, ensuring no person <br />smokes any substance within twenty-five feet (25') of any building entrance, exit, window and <br />air intake vent. <br />(5) The Dispensary shall direct its security guards to monitor the outside of the <br />premises for loitering and unlawful sale of medical marijuana by members. Security guards <br />shall be directed to report to the Dispensary all unlawful sales of medical marijuana by <br />members. The Dispensary shall immediately cease providing medical cannabis to the reported <br />member, and make a report within twenty-four (24) hours to the Chief of Police, and the <br />Alameda County Health Department and/or the doctor that issued the medical marijuana <br />recommendation for the member. The Dispensary shall keep a record of all incidents where <br />members unlawfully provided marijuana to non- members. The Dispensary shall inform <br />patients and primary caregivers about this provision and remind them that it is unlawful for <br />them to sell medical cannabis to non- members. <br />ORDINANCE NO. 2016-013 12 <br />
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