<br />RESOLUTION NO. 2016-118
<br />WHEREAS, California Government Code Section 65300 et seq. requires every city and
<br />county in California to adopt a General Plan for its long-range development, and further, to
<br />periodically update that Plan to reflect current conditions and issues; and
<br />WHEREAS, the current San Leandro General Plan was drafted for the period 1999-2002
<br />and is now more than 14 years old; and
<br />WHEREAS, the City Council authorized an update of the 2002 General Plan in 2013 to
<br />ensure that the Plan remains legally adequate and relevant; and
<br />WHEREAS, the City retained the consulting team of Placeworks and Barry Miller
<br />Consulting to manage the General Plan Update, including the Housing Element, in March 2014;
<br />and
<br />WHEREAS, the City completed a 30 -month process of collecting and analyzing data
<br />about San Leandro, and preparing new General Plan goals, policies, actions, and maps looking
<br />ahead to the Year 2035; and
<br />WHEREAS, the public participated in this process through ten publicly noticed Planning
<br />Commission study sessions, four City Council study sessions, and study sessions held by the
<br />Arts Commission, the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee, the Board of Zoning
<br />Adjustments, the Human Services Commission, the Library -Historical Commission, the
<br />Recreation and Parks Commission, the Rent Review Board, the Senior Commission, and the
<br />Youth Advisory Commission; and
<br />WHEREAS, the public further participated through five community -wide workshops,
<br />held on July 30, 2014; October 23, 2014; October 28, 2014; April 30, 2015; and January 12,
<br />2016; and
<br />WHEREAS, the City and its consultants solicited additional input from residents through
<br />presentations and discussions with community organizations such as the League of San Leandro
<br />Neighborhood Associations, the San Leandro Chamber of Commerce, the San Leandro
<br />Improvement Association, the San Leandro Improvement Association Land Use Committee, the
<br />San Leandro Downtown Association, the African American Business Council, the Asian
<br />Business Council, the Shoreline Advisory Group, the Estudillo Estates Neighborhood
<br />Association, the Broadmoor Neighborhood Association, the Business Association of South San
<br />Leandro, the Washington Manor Homeowners Association, and the Industrial Founders Circle,
<br />amongst others; and
<br />WHEREAS, public input was further solicited through a dedicated project website, with
<br />the capacity for content translation into Spanish and Chinese, which included regular posting of
<br />reports, news releases, maps, and documents, and a Virtual City Hall feedback web portal
<br />enabling the public to provide feedback on policy issues; and
<br />RESOLUTION NO. 2016-118
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